
Product summary

Maggard Razors V3

BadDad ·04-13-2017, 04:33 AM

Product price


General thoughts
This is my favorite safety razor. I absolutely love the entire razor as pictured, but the handle pictured has been discontinued, and I don't want to review a handle that is no longer available. I have used the head on other handles, and found it to be just as enjoyable as on the MR22 handle. A great razor head at a very affordable price. Can;t go wrong, in my opinion.

User Friendliness
Standard double edge safety bar style of safety razor.

This review is for the razor head only, as the MR22 handle shown in the photo is no longer available, and I have no experience with other Maggard Razors handles.

Blade Replacement
Standard DE blade replacement. Blade is held firmly and squarely in place.

This review is for the razor head only, as the MR22 handle shown in the photo is no longer available, and I have no experience with other Maggard Razors handles.

Fantastic razor head. Great close and comfortable shaves with just about any blade I've tried in it. My "go to" razor when I need a fast, reliably close and comfortable head shave.

I've had it and have been using it for more than a year, and have not noticed any scratches or deterioration of the fit or finish.

Standard packaging. Nothing fancy, but secure, safe, and well protected.


wingdo · 04-14-2017, 01:37 AM · in reply to #61
Hard to beat the price!