
Product summary

Matador Elegante

Teiste ·02-11-2017, 08:38 AM

Product price


Product merchant


General thoughts
Brilliant razor , on the mild side , like a Muhle R89 or an ATT R1.The handle is absolutely stunning , well finished and brilliantly balance.A master purchase indeed

User Friendliness
This is a great razor , not only for a beginner but also for an experienced shaver.

Absolutely perfect.The handle knurling is gorgeous and well made.The handle is well balance with is 85mm length and weight

Blade Replacement
Very easy.Its a two piece closed comb head , so no brainer here.

Perfect.3.5 oz perfectly balance and you can feel the heft of the razor while holding it.

This is when it get even better.Tje handle is stainless steel and cost 25 dollars.I can't believe it yet.Its simply as good a my UFO handle , but cost a third of it.Well finished and polished , Im still thinking that I scored a great razor indeed and I can't justified to spend more in other razors (which I will)

Stunning.Check the pics.

Comes in a red cardboard box.Not the best not the worst.But it cost 25 dollars , what else can we expect ?
