I had been using DE razors exclusively for 5+ years. Then I tried a Mongoose and have added that SE and some Gems to the rotation. Then I figured I'd embrace RAD and also try an injector. But which one? I never enjoyed adjustable DE's but might try an adjustable injector. I tend to like intermediate aggressive razors as well. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

I'll be watching this thread with interest. Recently I've been bitten by the SE bug and have been more and more curious about injectors as well.
- Jeff
I've only tried a PAL adjustable, and I was very surprised how much I enjoyed using it. I ran it wide open with a Chinese Schick blade, and it still felt mild, yet extremely efficient for me.
Garrett, The Shaving Disciple - Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, YouTuber, Head Shaver
2024 Software Restraint

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
(This post was last modified: 03-04-2016, 08:30 PM by Freddy.)
As with everything else about wet shaving, Dave and Jeff, you will get as many opinions as we have members who use injectors but here is my 2-cents:

My first injector was a Schick E-model. Considered one of the more aggressive models, at first I was getting a couple of weepers or small nicks. However, once I got comfortable with the razor, I was getting close, comfortable, nick free shaves. This is a model I can recommend.

Next, I got a Schick I-2 model. The attraction for me was that, without removing the blade, the bottom plate lowers making rinsing/cleaning very easy. This a very mild razor. Unfortunately, I found it too mild so even though I loved the cleaning aspect, I just wasn't getting a particularly close shave. I now keep it as part of my collection but don't use it.

The last Schick Injector I purchased was from andrewjs18 on our B/S/T here on DFS. Ironically, it is the razor I am using this week. It is an adjustable and is, by far, my favorite of the three. Sadly, I have no idea what the model number is so I cannot help you there. I keep the setting at 5, out of 9, and get just an amazingly close shave that is irritation and nick/weeper free. It does not have the drop down plate for cleaning but, at 5, the razor to blade gap is wide enough for easy and complete rinsing.

The only blades I have used with these are the Chinese Schick. I find them smooth, readily available, and inexpensive.

Obviously, these are just my opinions but I hope they help. I shall be interested to know other members' thoughts.

onethinline, wyze0ne and daverasi like this post

San Francisco
Just like Freddy, I started my injector exploration with an E-2 model and then an I-2 Hydromagic. I liked the E-2 a bunch by the second shave. It can indeed bite, but it also doesn't take long to master, either, and now I find it just cruises around my face without trouble. Light and nimble (which is part of what I've liked about injectors). I like the I-2 Hydromagic just about equally, and think the rinsing mechanism is clever and nifty. I don't find it shaves too mildly, though I suppose it's a bit less prone to bite than the E-2. Both are easy-going, fun, effective razors, though, and also were my entry-point to SE shaving. I'm very glad to have them.

If you find a model in good condition (clamp spring is tight, blade stops intact), I don't think you can go wrong from the E types on through the alphabet. The general sense is that they get milder as you proceed forward, but like I said, the I-2 is still good for me and my coarse whiskers.

Also keep your eye on a few modern injector designs arriving, like Supply Provisions Single Edge (http://www.getsupply.com) and that nifty-looking Bunny razor that darkbulb is testing!

Freddy and daverasi like this post
David : DE shaving since Nov 2014. Nowadays giving in to the single-edge siren call.
E2, one of the Type Gs, and an I2 HydroMagic.

onethinline and Freddy like this post
>>> Brian <<<
Happy beeps, buddy! Happy beeps!
The Schick adjustable is an excellent one to start with, and my personal favorite. It's the one with the black knob on the back that adjusts from 1 to 7.

Freddy likes this post
Patrick Coddou
Founder / CEO at Supply
Thanks. Hard to determine the condition on ebay. Might have to find one the B/S/T.

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
(03-04-2016, 08:31 PM)daverasi Wrote: Thanks.  Hard to determine the condition on ebay.  Might have to find one the  B/S/T.

Dave, eBay definitely has its ups and downs.  However, if you cannot find one here on the B/S/T then take a close look at the photos on eBay and what the seller has to say.  If the seller sounds knowledgeable, the razor seems in good condition, and the price is reasonable, it might be worth taking a chance.  Many times razors will clean up beautifully and work just fine.  Good luck with your search.

San Francisco
Indeed, I bought both my injectors on eBay and both are in very good condition. Look at the pictures and check the seller's ratings, and especially if they tend to sell vintage razors. A highly-rated experienced razor seller on eBay should be a pretty safe bet.

Freddy likes this post
David : DE shaving since Nov 2014. Nowadays giving in to the single-edge siren call.

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