Fougère (Eufros) dressy fougère
Shave 5
Jabonman’s Fougère soap goes well with Penhaligon’s Sartorial edt. Although Fougère is spicier than Sartorial, and Sartorial has a steamy metallic note that lingers all day, they both share the same tone, neither too bright nor too dark. And they both have a certain dressiness to them that suits them to a semi-formal occasion.
Brush Phoenix Shaving Peregrino (670) ・ Razor Blackland Blackbird Lite Ti (52) ・ Blade Astra Superior Platinum (1)
Shave 5
Jabonman’s Fougère soap goes well with Penhaligon’s Sartorial edt. Although Fougère is spicier than Sartorial, and Sartorial has a steamy metallic note that lingers all day, they both share the same tone, neither too bright nor too dark. And they both have a certain dressiness to them that suits them to a semi-formal occasion.
Brush Phoenix Shaving Peregrino (670) ・ Razor Blackland Blackbird Lite Ti (52) ・ Blade Astra Superior Platinum (1)
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