Head shave # 13 with Shavette

Feather DX
Kai Captain Protouch mild
Glycerin Organic pre
PAA CK-6 unscented soap

New Captains choice Oceanic
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For some reason this was a bit more irritating. Even my neck where I shaved with my usual DE was irritated. The shave was fine, no cuts, close enough for my beginner work, but I decided to try Alum again and yep, reddens up anything that might want to get red, especially followed by a hot shower. No more alum for me. Still not sure why my skin felt irritated and raw regardless of the razor.

The big bowl is great. Plenty of lather and easy to lather up, easier to add enough water as well without being as sloppy. Not as warm as my scuttle, though.

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Head shave #14 with Shavette

Feather DX
Kai Captain mild (unguarded)
Glycerin soap pre-shave
PAA CK-6 unscented

I decided to shave this morning. Maybe not the best choice. I have a cold and am not at my best. But I didn’t shave yesterday.

I went with the unguarded Kai blade and I think my theory may be correct that, at least for me, the guarded blades are more irritating. It could be that they are less efficient so require more passes, but I am not sure if it is that or that the guards actually are irritating

I did get more nicks, definitely, and unroofed some old irritation, but I do think it works better for me. The guarded blades feel like razor burn and a zillion scratches, the unguarded like a sharp, well, a sharp razor blade.

Rookie mistake of the day:
I tried a longer soak with pre-shave and my hot towel hat and shaved my neck with the hat still on. Then I took off the hat and applied lather, but forgot to re-apply my pre-shave glycerin soap. I shaved a bit anyway and it was ok, but I definitely could appreciate the absence of the pre-shave. So then I rinsed the lather off and reapplied pre-shave then lather again (I had a lot in the Captain Choice Oceanic ginormous bowl). I definitely prefer the glycerin layer.

I may put up some guarded blades for sale soon. I will probably give up on them. I prefer the quick healing little slices to the raw feeling.

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