I believe I saw on this forum or the Nook that a widow or a man’s children was helped by the forum/moderator to post his wares on the BST. They sold all of his stuff on the BST and buyers knew their money was going to a good cause.

Another good reason to leave asking prices on sold BST listings. Helps others gauge a non-auction selling price for their items.

Mrs olschoolsteel has instructions to use my existing profile to dump all of my stuff here on DFS. I know you guys would put it to good use.

andrewjs18, Rebus Knebus, ExtraProtein and 8 others like this post
(07-04-2021, 12:49 AM)olschoolsteel Wrote: I believe I saw on this forum or the Nook that a widow or a man’s children was helped by the forum/moderator to post his wares on the BST. They sold all of his stuff on the BST and buyers knew their money was going to a good cause.

Another good reason to leave asking prices on sold BST listings. Helps others gauge a non-auction selling price for their items.

Mrs olschoolsteel has instructions to use my existing profile to dump all of my stuff here on DFS. I know you guys would put it to good use.

Was that a touchy conversation?
 I guess you just made sure your wife has the log on info? 
   I'd like the wife to have cash out of my razors, as son doesn't seem interested in DE.

Vpetrishky and CK89 like this post
A co-worker's husband died unexpectedly last year. He had many hobbies and interests, much more detailed and expensive than razors. She was very grateful that he kept detailed spreadsheets with the details of the items. Inspired, I put together a spreadsheet detailing my razors, material, retail price, what I paid, and if I ever feel I can part with one, I will include the sale price.

SRZ65LE#31, Vpetrishky, ExtraProtein and 2 others like this post
(07-03-2021, 05:52 PM)RayClem Wrote: This is a pertinent thread for me. According to the mortality tables, I have about 14-15 more years to live. No male in my family has ever outlived the predictions.

Don’t think like that! My parents outlived theirs by 10+ years. The technology, screening, and available information is contributing to happier, more predictable longevity. I wish you decades more good health and happy shaves.

keto, AQU, Vpetrishky and 1 others like this post
(07-03-2021, 03:27 PM)MaxP Wrote: OK so a bit morbid, but...

I'm well into the second half of the life expectancy table.

So, I ask for input.  Assuming I leave this life ahead of my sweetheart, what should she do with all my shaving stuff?

Give it to someone?
Trash it?
Other ideas?

She isn't the type to post it on any forums or fleasbayish sites.  It will need to be a simple solution. 


Your wife & I have discussed this matter and we decided to let me cherry pick what I want and sell the rest. 

P.S.  You're out of Scotch & Velveeta. 


gwsmallwood, ExtraProtein, Vpetrishky and 2 others like this post

Chicago Suburbs
(07-04-2021, 02:07 AM)cornbread Wrote: Don’t think like that! My parents outlived theirs by 10+ years. The technology, screening, and available information is contributing to happier,  more predictable longevity. I wish you decades more good health and happy shaves.

Well, my grandmother lived until she was 92 when she had a massive stroke and spent the last six months of her life in a nursing home, essentially in a coma. My mother lived until she was 92, suffering both stokes and seizures over her last few years. My aunt (mother's sister) lived until a few days short of her 98th birthday, but by then her mental powers were so diminished that she did not recognize anyone the last few years of her life. My uncle (related by marriage, not by blood) lived until 92, but he had Parkinson's disease and begged God every day to let him die. On the other hand, my uncle (my mother's brother) died of a massive heart attack when he was 62. He lived a full life up until the end.

There are many things worse than death. Getting to the point physically or mentally where someone else has to shave me with an electric razor would be one of them.

Vpetrishky and AQU like this post

Living on the edge
(07-04-2021, 12:49 AM)olschoolsteel Wrote: Mrs olschoolsteel has instructions to use my existing profile to dump all of my stuff here on DFS. I know you guys would put it to good use.

Excellent idea...I was going to say....one could also donate all one's shaving kit to the forum of one's choice,
a forum that constantly nourished your passion for the hobby, let the forum owners sell/auction the goods
in order to defray the costs of running the forum.

AQU, ExtraProtein and Vpetrishky like this post
I could leave whatever instructions I want, but when I'm gone the first one that asks my wife for my shave stuff will get it.

ExtraProtein likes this post

Posting Freak
My son inherits it all unless my daughter meets/marries a guy who’s as into wet shaving as my son in which case they’ll share it.  Do you think our beards continue growing in heaven? Shaving with the best for eternity?

AQU likes this post
(07-11-2021, 11:27 PM)Marko Wrote: Do you think our beards continue growing in heaven? Shaving with the best for eternity?

In heaven, we'll shave with all the gear we've dropped, using the soaps we've finished.

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