Dapper Dragon - Scale Polish

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Floid Vigoroso

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Traverse City, Mi
B & M Bay Rum A/S

HoosierShave and SpeedyPC like this post
Paul Sebastian Balm
NYY Spray Cologne

None Big Grin. I'm currently testing the post shave properties of the various soap brands that I have. This current arctic blast we're experiencing will really separate the wheat from the chaff I think. Detailed thread to come...

Matsilainen and HoosierShave like this post
- Jeff

Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
Penhaligon's Lords aftershave (vintage). Almost gone. Fortunately, I have a backup.
[Image: Zmnvzzw.jpg]

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Super Moderator
Stirling Gin & Tonic - balm

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Las Vegas, NV, USA
Chatillon Lux Unconditional Surrender

[Image: PHSuaFM.jpg]

hawns makes a great liquid for the skin — for post-shave, or throughout the day. The pleasing scent is just a nice bonus. Smile

HoosierShave, hawns and johnz3333 like this post
Whenever I go to shave, I assume there’s someone else on the planet shaving, so I say “I’m gonna go shave, too.”
– Mitch Hedberg
L&L after the Rain

Sent from my Samsung S8+

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Clubman vanilla

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