(This post was last modified: 07-24-2017, 12:12 AM by Tbone.)
(07-23-2017, 05:08 AM)KAV Wrote: I've come across a few rumours to the effect WCS was bought very recently by a larger corporation and it's all hush hush. They have always been nice folks and any business move deserves best wishes and hope for a future with the earned good will. There is a growing trend of various cliques and individuals playing shell games with facts lately; Polsilvers discontinued, the LOTUS is not an original design and more to pathetic to honor with mention.
Yes, it did get sold. It was something like a year or a year and a half ago, if I recall correctly. Proof:

West Coast Shaving was founded by John Koontz, "Letter K" over at Badger & Blade. It appears to have been co-owned by him and his wife Christine.

West Coast Shaving is now run by Aviv

They now use Warwick Fulfillment Solutions

Warwick is located in Hurlock, Maryland
Often businesses will give their address as the address of their fulfillment provider. West Coast Shaving might still be located in SoCal. From the WCS website, it certainly appears that way.

westcoastshaving.com is registered to Tribe Growth Group

Tribe Growth Group is an investment firm of some sort

The domain name tribegrowthgroup.com is registered to Aviv Shamah

So much speculation and wondering about West Coast Shaving and who owns it. A ten minute google search would have given you all the answers I posted above. You know, www.google.com?

And all of the above is relevant how? Who cares who owns West Coast Shaving or where it is located? (Not a rhetorical question) It doesn't look like a conspiracy or invasion by space aliens.

wyze0ne, BadDad and Michael P like this post
(07-24-2017, 12:08 AM)Tbone Wrote: And all of the above is relevant how? Who cares who owns West Coast Shaving or where it is located? (Not a rhetorical question) It doesn't look like a conspiracy or invasion by space aliens.

I think the way it is relevant is that it many people like to know who they are giving their business. Aviv addresses this in one of the posts you linked:

"I was talking with Michael Bustamante AKA “Shave Busta” the other day about the new line of safety razors that we were about to release, and he said something that struck me. He said that he didn’t feel like he had a personal connection with West Coast Shaving; he didn’t know who we were and what we stood for. I realized that we have not done a good job communicating that. So we’re swinging wide the door."

It's good to see he's made that connection, and I'm looking forward to hearing more from them.
(07-24-2017, 12:33 AM)Watson Wrote:
(07-24-2017, 12:08 AM)Tbone Wrote: And all of the above is relevant how?  Who cares who owns West Coast Shaving or where it is located? (Not a rhetorical question)  It doesn't look like a conspiracy or invasion by space aliens.

I think the way it is relevant is that it many people like to know who they are giving their business. Aviv addresses this in one of the posts you linked:

"I was talking with Michael Bustamante AKA “Shave Busta” the other day about the new line of safety razors that we were about to release, and he said something that struck me. He said that he didn’t feel like he had a personal connection with West Coast Shaving; he didn’t know who we were and what we stood for. I realized that we have not done a good job communicating that. So we’re swinging wide the door."

It's good to see he's made that connection, and I'm looking forward to hearing more from them.
He didn't know who West Coast Shaving was and what they stood for? Seriously? That is an easy one. For any wetshaving retailer, what they stand for is making money. That is what running a business is all about. As for who the retailer is, the About Us page nearly always has that information. Product selection - price - service... isn't that what buying stuff online (or in real life) is all about?

wyze0ne likes this post
My personal privacy and liberty precludes GOOGLE from my search engine list. I do thank you for the links and will reciprocate; www.emilypost.com and www.mufon.com
As for relevancy? If you reread my post I was addressing not only WCS but a empirical observation of people with agendas to disseminate with no little deliberation misinformation and injury of income and reputation. Such was the tone of the now deleted post on another forum.
(This post was last modified: 07-24-2017, 03:37 AM by Tbone.)
Ah yes, the Mutual UFO Network. One of my father's co-workers used to send me copies of their newsletters in the 1970s. I did not realize they still existed. Interesting. Emily Post passed on a decade before the Internet was born and nearly 30 years before home Internet access was widespread. Unfortunately, the Greater Internet F###wad Theory rather than Mrs. Post's guidelines seems to hold sway on the Internet. I think it is way out of line, but also realize such behavior is unlikely to change anytime soon. It is the online Mr. Hyde as opposed to the real life Dr. Jekyll, at least for a lot of people. I don't think that is what drives the majority of the bad behavior in the online wetshaving world.

Traditional wetshaving has grown by leaps and bounds, and the associated marketplace is now big business. It is about the money more than anything else. I read somewhere that Phoenix Artisan Accouterments brings in $44,000 per month. Even if sales vary depending on the time of the year, that is probably the better part of $500,000 revenue per year. It stands to reason that many of the online stores make the same or more, which is a lot of moolah. Some of the outlets, especially those dependent on the forums for their primary advertising and revenue, have resorted to questionable tactics. So what can we as consumers do? If we see a vendor or retailer acting badly, then don't buy from them. Maybe sound the alarm once to warn others, but for heaven's sake we shouldn't go on a crusade or jihad. It is traditional shaving, not religion or dogma, even if some people get howling mad over nothing. Concerning ourselves over the mundane internal details of how a company is run does nothing to improve our shaves, and is therefore pointless. It is yet another irrelevant rabbit hole.

John Clayton, EFDan and BadDad like this post

Los Angeles
I agree with everything Tbone wrote in message #11. While the fulfillment house where product is warehoused and sent is in Maryland, it is my understanding that they are headquartered in New York. I ordered some things several months ago and subsequently received an email asking me to rate the product and it was signed by Aviv, President. I receive several emails weekly where they are discounting many products. This industry gets larger and life goes on.

Tbone and BadDad like this post
WCS still has their store in Chino


Someone named Joan from WCS in NYC made an introductory post at The Shave Den. Lol, she doesn't seem to have stuck around very long. Not sure why.


That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
Google is a wonderful thing. It actually archives everything ever posted to a server, public and private. Pretty neat.

Which means that agendas are rather easily discerned. Reputations are rather readily verified. Transparency is a matter of search options.

In a world where every piece of known information is available at our fingertips, with a few simple keystrokes, ignorance is truly a choice...

wyze0ne, John Clayton and Tbone like this post
-Chris~Head Shaver~
I really like WCS and still buy from there often, however I wish they would stop charging CA tax when they are based in Maryland now!

Ramjet likes this post

Philadelphia, PA
(07-26-2017, 06:01 AM)Wet Shaving Addict Wrote: I really like WCS and still buy from there often, however I wish they would stop charging CA tax when they are based in Maryland now!

I think someone said they still have a physical store in California. if that's the case, they'd still have to charge CA tax, I believe.

Freddy, BadDad, Tbone and 1 others like this post
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