(This post was last modified: 04-18-2024, 05:58 AM by League.)
I have a few products that I would like to trade for shaving brushes or safety razors. If you are interested, contact me.

1: Mozingo ZT3 28mm
2: Smilezformilez  handle with Declaration Grooming B11    26mm knot
3:Shavemac ebonite handle with Mozingo ZT2 26mm knot
4: Leonidam 26mm
5: Trotter Handcrafts T1 knot
6: SS Karve with SB B plate
7: SS Feather DX artist club
8:Titanium Tibam handle with stands

[Image: JstKMlM.jpeg][Image: ShIFNmd.jpeg][Image: 4KLmjEp.jpeg]

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