
Citrus lovers, what are your top 5 citrus scented soaps/creams of all time?

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Austin, TX
I love citrus and there are so many to choose from that I feel are worth mention.

One that I hardly see called out is Queen Charlotte Key Lime. I still have a tub of the prototype soap when Matt first began his journey that smells just like a fresh cut lime. Love it!

Chicago, IL
(This post was last modified: 03-17-2016, 08:49 PM by jnaff811.)
I don't own enough citrus to list Top 5, but here's my Top 3:

TOBS Grapefruit
Wickham Club Cola
Dapper Dragon Signature

bakerbarber and DapperDragon like this post
Haven't tried too many.

Mike's Lime along with his Orange, Cedarwood, and Black Pepper. Like them both.

CRSW V1Jardin d'Orange which was relatively lightly scented to me and I think it's too complex to consider a citrus scented soap. Only mentioning it due to its name including Orange. It absolutely starts out with a citrus note. It doesn't seem to be listed for sale currently. I enjoy it as well.

Mama Bear has some nice citrus options and I have a tub of Colonel Conk glycerin soap in my travel kit that's a pleasant Lime. Though I rarely use these types of soaps currently, they have there merits.

WindsorCitrus likes this post
Shave yourself.
(This post was last modified: 03-20-2016, 01:59 PM by WindsorCitrus.)
Oh dear where to start, This probably changes daily but at the moment:

1. Cold River - Citrus - my favourite citrus of all time.
2. Mystic Waters - Lime
3. Mikes Natural - Orange, Cedarwood and Black Pepper
4. Dr Jons - Hydra
5. Tims Soap - Old School Lime (This is also very similar to Reef Point Sublime)

I have missed off Soap Commander Gusto as I don't see it as an all out Citrus scent but it does contain lemon Smile if counted it would be right up there!

bakerbarber and WVHDRyder like this post
Oli AKA Windsor Citrus
Surrey, UK.
1. Tim's Ruby Red
2. Stirling's lime
3. Stirling's Pharoah's dreamcicle
4. Tim's Busta's Blend
5. Stubble Trubble Ryhmes with Orange

Golf Nut
San Antonio, Texas
1. CRSW - Citrus
2. Mike's Natural Soaps - Orange, Cedarwood and Black Pepper
3. Mike's Natural Soaps - Lime
4. Dr Jon's - Hydra
5. CRSW - Jardin D' Orange

WVHDRyder likes this post

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Taylor of Old Bond Street Grapefruit
RazoRock Don Marco (Orange)
RazoRock Caprician Lemon

These are in no particular order but are standouts for me as far as scent goes.

West Virginia
Will be watching the replies on this post,being a citrus lover!!!!
For me I like
CRSW Jardin d'Orange
RazoRock Son of Zeus
Dr Jon's Hydra
Mikes Orange Cedarwood & Black Pepper
I need to pick up a CRSW Citrus,I see much love for this one on lots of posts!!

kwsher likes this post
I don't have many, honestly. I tend to dislike citrus scents that smell cheap, like cleaning products, or too much like their pure essential oils. In fact, out of all the shaving products I have tried, there are only two citrus-centric soaps/creams (that I can think of) that merit a special mention:

Trumper's - Extract of West Indian Limes
Jabonman/Eufros - Citricos

Keep in mind that I have excluded scents that feature more than citrus (including citrus-based florals).

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