(08-19-2024, 12:10 PM)Sabretooth Wrote: Tedolph , you are bang on about the angle, it was tough while using the Razor to get under the nose and the lower neck. It felt like it needed a shallow angle but with the intuitive head it was easy to dial in the angle and I landed up shaving steep. The intention of the designer apparently was to use the Razor WTG on the cheeks and ATG on the neck area and below the nose. Having said that, I prefer my first pass to be WTG always. They are reworking that angle and I think it will help big time.

Well, if you have a pencil mustache this is not going to work. I am puzzled as to why people designing these sorts of products don't understand that people like Shick figured out all the geometry issues more than 50 years ago. Why reinvent the wheel and do it wrong? Also, all these small, fiddly parts seem unnecessary.

As far as design goes, the new Pearl singe edge razor seems to have gotten it right, but their quality control sucks.

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