
Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
(This post was last modified: 03-17-2022, 05:10 PM by DanLaw.)
Muramasa coming back in stock for order


ExtraProtein, 1700Z shadow, Calm_Shaver and 4 others like this post
Saturday Morning Luxury Shave with the Muramasa Adjustable

[Image: WeCWRHC.jpg]

The razor and soaps arrived on Friday in perfect time for my beloved Saturday Morning Luxury Shave. The razor is beautiful in design and surprisingly efficient in use. I decided to begin right in the middle on setting 3. The first pass felt mild and comfortable with no blade feel at all. I was amazed at how smooth my face already felt. I left it on setting 3 for XTG pass two, and was a little disappointed that the shave was complete! I needed one very small touch-up on the neck, but lathered up for a full pass anyway as the razor felt so comfortable.

I dialed up to level 5 for the dome shave, where my best razors get the job done in 2 passes. The Muramasa was no exception, again providing superior efficiency after the first pass.

I was already a fan of B&M soaps, with Seville being my King of All Soaps. I was very pleased with the Bay Rum. Scent is very well blended with a delightful level of orange. The silkiness of the lather and sophisticated scent made for a truly luxurious Saturday morning shave. Aftershave matches the soap scent, and provides the nice post-shave feel I expected.

1700Z shadow, AQU, Marhos24 and 4 others like this post
Second and Third Day Impressions

[Image: aYiM570.jpg]

Sunday night shave continued with the Nacet. Face shave on 3, head shave dialed down from 5 to 4. Same great level of efficiency.

Following up on the Saturday use of Bay Rum, I am super impressed with the skin feel that the aftershave leaves. My skin maintained the same supple feel all day Saturday and through Sunday. Sunday night I used Terror for the first time. The soap has the same familiar B&M performance with a bit of cooling. Using the Terror aftershave was a unique experience. There is certainly a strong cooling feature. I still felt the sensation when waking up this morning. I rinsed my self thoroughly, and still felt the cooling sensation through the morning. I was most surprised when I rubbed my eyes this evening and they stung like crazy. 

I understand Tatara ships its razors with Feather blades, so I decided to use one tonight. Curious about the lower settings I dialed the razor down to 2. I achieved a very acceptable shave in 3 full passes, but ironically encountered some weepers at the end. I attribute that to the Feather blade. 

It is only three days, but I am very impressed with this razor.

DanLaw, AQU, 1700Z shadow and 5 others like this post
(03-16-2022, 03:17 AM)jbreakfield Wrote: If Tatara were to offer a fixed gap razor that was the same as a number 5 setting on the Muramasa, I would probably buy it.

Tatara Masamune with Nodachi base plate might be what you're looking for!

ExtraProtein and jbreakfield like this post
Yes, the Nodachi is probably very close to the Muramasa on setting 5. Blade gap is the same, blade exposure is 0.04 mm difference.

Nodachi gap = 0.90 mm / exposure = 0.13
Muramasa gap = 0.90 mm / exposure = 0.17 mm

jbreakfield and HighSpeed like this post

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
[Image: pKRs1ZC.jpg]

ExtraProtein and ewk like this post
I am smitten with this razor. No other razor in my experience handles the curve of the chin with such comfort and efficiency. Wizamet blades are much more friendly to my face than Feathers. For my final two shaves I will return to my go-to Nacet.

[Image: YNEf82W.jpg]

MaineYooper, 1700Z shadow, DanLaw and 2 others like this post
Final Shave
[Image: kX8nyz0.jpg]

I enjoyed my final shave tonight with this magnificent razor. How best can I summarize my feelings about the Muramasa? It is no coincidence that I have listed some fine but less-used razors on BST to make room and start saving. I did not expect to like this beautifully dimpled razor so much. I am very glad to have experienced the fine craftsmanship and performance Tatara provides in its razors.

MaineYooper, Mpescado, ExtraProtein and 2 others like this post

I like Pizza
(03-12-2022, 03:51 AM)jbreakfield Wrote: Good evening gents,
A quick update on the status of the razor. I received it about 3 weeks ago, but the key was mistakenly left out of the package; inner sleeve was loose, and requires the key to tighten. As Dan stated, the key got here less than a week ago.
Stay tuned, will try to get a write-up done this weekend, and get the razor on to the next participant. Sorry for the delays!
Don’t sweat the delay and you shouldn’t apologise for the short comings of other participants

I’m looking forward to reading your review of this brilliant razor and piece of art

Mpescado, jbreakfield and Dave in KY like this post
Received the much awaited Muramasa and had my first shave today with about 3 days growth.
Initial thoughts: the razor is smooth but milder than i expected on setting 1 to 3. Started at 3 with a wilkinson sword blade.. comfortable but milder than i was hoping for. I took it to a four and enjoyed that setting for the rest of the WTG pass.

XTG was on 3 again. And performed well.
Took it to a 2 on ATG. Workwd...i could feel it cutting.
Finally i finished pickups on 5.
4 and 5 are great settinga but the 2 and 3 work when wanting a mder shave.
Results in the end were fantastic.
I found the handle a little difficult to hold without fear of slipping, was not as comfortable as I would have hoped.

Now i need to try a sharper blade to see how it changes the experience on setting 1 to 3.

Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk

Dragon, ewk, DanLaw and 2 others like this post

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