
(This post was last modified: 04-02-2020, 04:23 AM by drewyoshida.)
(04-02-2020, 03:50 AM)MaxP Wrote:
(04-01-2020, 10:48 PM)drewyoshida Wrote: Damn. Im really tempted to sell my gamechanger with both plates and buy a nodachi head.

I don't think I'd own a Nodachi without a Tatara handle.  And I wouldn't part with a GC .84.

As I'm in current possession of the Nodachi, one of the things i will be trying is using a Jurgen Hempel titanium handle to see what it does for the weight distribution and my preference for grip.
I have the masamune with the handle already. And I like the tatara and colonial silversmith more then the .84 so am cool with letting it go. Yeah it sucks the handles are proprietary I wish they weren't. Hopefully it works for you.

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(This post was last modified: 04-02-2020, 07:33 PM by drewyoshida.)
I've been Shaving with the Masamune, Silversmith & Gamechanger everyday for a week or so on and both my face and dome am testing fresh blades in all of them over the next week. So far I find the Silversmith to be a bit smoother then the tatara, but the tatara is still very smooth and more ergonomic and comfortable to use. The gamechanger is still very smooth and the best value I would say but not as smooth or comfortable as the other two. They're all very similar in efficiency. I'm not sure which one's more efficient tbh, I'll have to let my hair grow out for a few days to test that. So far I think Perma Sharp is the smoothest blade in it. Gillette Platinums, Gillette Rubie, Gillette Nacet, Super Stainless & Silver Blues are excellent in it. It seems Gillette blades are a match made in heaven with the tatara for me.

keto, DeepSea and DanLaw like this post

Des Moines, IA
Just a quick update.

I find the long MASAMUNE NODACHI handle too heavy and unwieldy.  

So, in spite of the proprietary connection, I substituted a titanium Jurgen Hempel handle.

It pretty much destroyed the aesthetic, but the shave was 3 to 5 times better!  The increase in control and maneuverability was significant.

[Image: lTB290l.jpg]

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(04-03-2020, 01:10 PM)MaxP Wrote: Just a quick update.

I find the long MASAMUNE NODACHI handle too heavy and unwieldy.  

So, in spite of the proprietary connection, I substituted a titanium Jurgen Hempel handle.

It pretty much destroyed the aesthetic, but the shave was 3 to 5 times better!  The increase in control and maneuverability was significant.

[Image: lTB290l.jpg]
Really wish the handle wasn't proprietary and hope they release a knurled handle soon. Although I do find the masamune handle to be very comfortable. I'm surprised it was able to fit well. Did it tighten fully? That's a really nice handle by the way. Have you considered the Masamune handle? It's shorter and lighter. I'm not sure by how much because I haven't really looked into the nodachi handle but perhaps it'd be more comfortable. You could try seeing if someone's down to trade if you're interested.

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
The Masamune handle is 100% perfectly interchangeable with the Nodachi working exactly as the Nodachi handle to lock in the blade from any movement and vice versa for those preferring the Masamune head assembly

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Des Moines, IA
I'm not into technical specs nor am I extremely observant.  I just know what works for me and what I prefer.  And I'm pretty candid.  So these comments are very subjective.

I had this razor about a week.  I used both plates and used it with  Astra SP and Wizmet Iridium Super blades.  And here are my observations, preferences and conclusions.

  • Assembled, its really great looking.  Very well designed and attractive
  • The handle is far too long and heavy for me.  After one shave I knew that a titanium handle was needed.  I used it with both a Jurgen Hempel and a Tibam.  Yes, I am aware that the Masamune handle is shorter and lighter.  However, I think even it would be too heavy for me.  I prefer lightweight handles with lots of "grip."  Having a Delrin or stainless bushing as Dan showed earlier so that any handle could be used would be an improvement in my view.
  • The razor is smooth.  I like it.  I think its just a tad smoother than my Charcoal goods level 2.  
  • I prefer straight bar razors to open comb (Gillette NEW being the exception) so I used the open comb only once.  It was okay.  It just wasn't my preference.
  • It has the right level of aggression for my taste.  I'd call it mid or moderately aggressive.  I shave daily and had no irritation issues
  • The stand is useless to me.  I've never used a razor stand.  And I didn't use this one.  At all.
  •  Did I like this razor?  Yes, quite a lot. 
  •  Would I buy one?  If the head had the mentioned adapter bushing so I could use a titanium handle OR if the Tatara guys offered a suitably grippy titanium handle, I could see purchasing one.  In its present iteration, no.
Last Comments
  • Thank you to Dan and the Tatara guys for doing the passaround.  I really appreciate the opportunity to try this fine razor.
And a few pics. (none with the Nodachi handle.  You can see it in others' photos)

[Image: THHctcb.jpg]

[Image: 8wa74yP.jpg]

[Image: IlRJ7Vb.jpg]

[Image: YKNIS4U.jpg]

kooshman7, AQU and DanLaw like this post
I received the Nodachi pass around razor on Monday afternoon and had the inaugural shave yesterday. My initial impressions are positive but "is it den worthy for me" remains to be seen.

It is a lovely, well manufactured, solid, precise tool. Whenever I try a razor for the first time I use a Polsilver as a baseline. Eventually I replace the Polsilver with a Kai then a Feather. I usually do three passes - WTG, XTG and AGT.  To put my impressions in context a little background. The Nodachi reminded me of my Timeless SS .68 which I have with DC OC and SB head which was my first high end DE. I have a certain nostalgia for the Timeless .68 as it taught me how to use a DE. As my technique improved I secured the SS .95 DC base plate with OC and Scallop bar to test my limits of agressiveness. Eventually I ordered the polished Timeless Ti with the same DC configurations. Deciding that I wanted a thinner head I added the Carbon CX. Soon after I received the most sought after email in the shaving universe and ordered the Wolfman SS 1.25 SB which easily became my goldilocks razor after the first few strokes.

First of all, the handle is not slippery which I give credit to the sandblasted finish. I used the SB plate which I found to be mild, too mild for my punim, yet it was an easy enjoyable autopilot shave much like the Timeless .68. However, compared to my SS and TI razors I noticed some drag on each pass which I attribute to the sand blasted finish. Otherwise a very pleasant DFS, maneuverable in the nooks and crannies, and very little blade even on the ATG pass. Will use same baseplate today and run it against the Carbon. Tomorrow I will switch  to the OC.

My thanks and appreciation to Dan for organizing the pass around and to Tatara for providing a well made and enjoyable razor.

DanLaw likes this post
2nd and 3rd face scrapes with the Nodachi. For the 2nd I did a shave off between the Carbon and Nodachi with SB plate using the same Polsilver blade, WTG, XTG and AGT. Both cut close with the edge going to the Carbon in my tough spots - under the jaw and chin. A little more blade feel in the Carbon going AGT. Yesterday, I switched to Nodachi OC plate which I found to be more efficent than the SB plate. I did find that if you do not pay attention to having the right angle the edges of teeth of the OC make themselves uncomfortably apparent and would prefer if the bottom edges were rounded.
Will give the OC another go today and then off to the participant.

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Minneapolis-St. Paul
I've been lucky enough (and I mean that) to have been able to try the Nodachi. The razor arrived on Tuesday and I've had 3 amazing (and - OK - one mediocre shave) with the SB base and this morning I cautiously tried out the OC.

I chalk my mediocre shave to the fact that I was in a rush and did not shower ahead of time. Most mornings I shave after softening my beard up in a hot shower.

All of the amazing shaves felt completely smooth with just a touch of blade feel. I've been using my smoothest blade - a Brazilian Gillette Platinum Plus - for every shave along with Grooming Dept preshave and Declaration Grooming (L&L)/Chatillon Lux Champs de Lavande soap. While there's little blade feel using the SB, there is still substantial audible feedback, so I am aware of my shave angle while using the razor. Most of my shaves have been 2-pass shaves but I did take the time yesterday for a 3-pass shave which was wonderful.

Having read some of the prior comments in this thread, I was expecting a substantial jump in harshness when i tried the OC plate this morning. I shouldn't have been as concerned as I was. I did have some more blade feel while using the OC and a bit of sting from my AS, but I think that the feel/aggression/harshness/etc. was less than that of my Charcoal Goods Level 3. And the shave that I got from two passes seemed to have lasted much longer than my three-pass shave with the SB yesterday. I'm just now (12 hours later) feeling the tiniest bit of stubble.

The only "issue" - if you can call it one - that I have faced with the Nodachi is the length of the handle. In hand, the razor feels substantial but not overly heavy. However, I've learned to hold the handle further away from the head than I usually do with most razors. It isn't a problem as much as an adjustment. The razor feels very balanced when I find the right placement of my hand. I'd be interested to see how the razor performs using the shorter Masamune handle.

I'm looking forward to having a few more chances to use the Nodachi and will report back again.

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Minneapolis-St. Paul
A second report on my use of the Nodachi. I've had a peculiar shaving experience over the last few days - caused not specifically by the Nodachi, but by a grooming mishap. Hey - they happen. On Monday morning, I took my trimmer to my beard and cut a stripe through the middle of it. (My son had adjusted the trimmer length and forgot to move it back.). Rather than try to rescue the beard, I chose to cut off my mustache and beard and be clean shaven for the first time in 11 years.

The last time I cut in those areas, I was using an electric shaver or a cart. Consequently, I've regressed to newbie status with respect to my upper lip and chin. I've still been using the Nodachi (SB for the most part) but have had to handle a little bit of a learning curve with it. A few weepers have shown up but overall I've been very impressed with the shaves I've gotten.

Today I used the OC and got a successful 2-pass shave with it. Five hours later, I'm still feeling a fairly close shave with a tiny bit of stubble on the curve my chin.

Setup for the first two bare-face shaves was with the last bit of a sample of Santa Maria Novella and today's and yesterday's shaves were with a sample of Salter's French Vetiver cream. I probably should have used a know go-to soap for these exploratory shaves, but I've managed OK with the two creams.

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