
Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
This week's SOTD introduction comes to you from sunny Scotland. How were those whiskers whacked this week? Big Grin
Ikon Standard /Goliath Bronze
Silver Blue Blade
Epsilon Silvertip

[Image: a00f6ab2c05e0b391ff512f7275e12cf.jpg]

Enviado desde mi D6603 mediante Tapatalk

Trinity Shaving, vonazar and Jerry Carrick like this post
Gillette 7 o'clock sharp edge
Chubby 1
TOBS Sandalwood
Kramperts Bay Rum
[Image: uotHfwQ.jpg]

Trinity Shaving and vonazar like this post

Wausau, Wisconsin USA
SOTD: Sunday - September 6, 2015

Mitchell’s Wool Fat
Asylum Scanlon Synthetic Brush
PILS Razor
Polsilver Blade
Floid Blue

[Image: 0GAUkc1.jpg]

vonazar, Trinity Shaving and Jerry Carrick like this post
Johnny - It's time for a shave.

Cincinnati. Ohio
[Image: K5V1b6w.jpg]

Sunday, 6 September, 2015:

Razor: Eversharp-Schick Type G8
Blade: Chinese Schick  
Brush: Semogue 1305 Boar
Cream: Valobra Crema di Sapone Almond
A/S: RazoRock “Problem Solver" Lime Tonic
Balm: Truefitt & Hill Grafton


"Because I prefer the clean sweep of the tempered steel as it glides smoothly over..." Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House

vonazar, Jerry Carrick and Trinity Shaving like this post

Winchester VA
[Image: ktNyJKI.jpg]

vonazar, Trinity Shaving and jcmy53 like this post
Mongoose Triad / Kai


CC Bay Rum

CC Lime

[Image: beec4750074502992f2778e6f9381d85.jpg]

Trinity Shaving and vonazar like this post
Simpson Chubby 2 Super Two Band
Saponificio Varesino Felce Aromatica
Feather AS-D2 with iKon OC Base Plate
Feather Hi-Stainless
I Coloniali Mango Oil Shaving Balm
SOTD  09.06.15

RR Stealth w/Astra blade
Doug Korn the "Rook" with Plisson Synthetic (great "Soul-less" knot)
Stirling Soap Co. LIME
Witch Hazel & Fine Fresh Vetiver AS

vonazar and Trinity Shaving like this post

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