Friday OCtober 18
This is a slightly smaller and lighter Leresche #34 model than the Leresche #54 I used earlier in the week. The comb length seems to be slightly shorter on this razor than on the #54. I didn't measure, I will later, it is just my impression on use.
Bowl/Scuttle - GP12
Soap - MWF (it's Friday)
Brush - M&F Stubby, Finest Badger, Cobalt 30mm
Blade - Gillette Platinum (4)
Razor - Leresche #34 (France)
Post Shave - OSMA Pierre alum, Epsilon Blue A/S (Spain)
Shave rating 5 of 5
I liked the shave although I liked the #54 better. The #34 is a little lighter and I found it a little difficult to find the proper shaving angle. My first pass WTG was smooth with no blade feel, and not very efficient and it left me with more stubble than I'm used to, <DFS. The second pass, XTG and again was a very smooth pass with absolutely no blade feel and DFS+. I don't and I'm not chasing BBS so I didn't feel I needed to do another pass. The MWF lather was very good on the first pass and perfect for the second pass - I didn't do anything, it just sat in my scuttle. I got a 2 pass, nick and weeper free shave. The alum was silent, even on my neck area which is unusual. I finished off with the Epsilon Blue A/S.
Overall, a really good shave. I have a few more French razors for my next few shaves.
Happy OCtober and great shaves everyone.
- Ken