

Tom Janz, herbert7890, Walter and 1 others like this post
Well said and I totally agree with you.

herbert7890 likes this post
That artisan just screwed themselves.
The other side of this, do you think it does more harm then good not saying which vendor it is? We can look back and assume, its likely one of the ones that you did in the last week or so would be my assumption. Does it rhyme is man-u-lay?

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
(08-10-2015, 02:51 AM)Jeff120 Wrote: The other side of this, do you think it does more harm then good not saying which vendor it is?  We can look back and assume, its likely one of the ones that you did in the last week or so would be my assumption.  Does it rhyme is man-u-lay?

Chris was being honorable while making his point so let's not play the guessing game. Ultimately, that just proves unfair to all vendors.
(08-10-2015, 03:23 AM)Freddy Wrote:
(08-10-2015, 02:51 AM)Jeff120 Wrote: The other side of this, do you think it does more harm then good not saying which vendor it is?  We can look back and assume, its likely one of the ones that you did in the last week or so would be my assumption.  Does it rhyme is man-u-lay?

Chris was being honorable while making his point so let's not play the guessing game. Ultimately, that just proves unfair to all vendors.

I agree, that is what I am saying, by him not saying, and I understand why his doesnt say, its worse to leave us guessing and maybe someone guesses the wrong vendor.
(This post was last modified: 08-10-2015, 04:56 AM by EFDan.)
(08-10-2015, 03:32 AM)Jeff120 Wrote:
(08-10-2015, 03:23 AM)Freddy Wrote:
(08-10-2015, 02:51 AM)Jeff120 Wrote: The other side of this, do you think it does more harm then good not saying which vendor it is?  We can look back and assume, its likely one of the ones that you did in the last week or so would be my assumption.  Does it rhyme is man-u-lay?

Chris was being honorable while making his point so let's not play the guessing game. Ultimately, that just proves unfair to all vendors.

I agree, that is what I am saying, by him not saying, and I understand why his doesnt say, its worse to leave us guessing and maybe someone guesses the wrong vendor.

You guessed correctly.
(08-09-2015, 03:55 PM)TSEvangelist Wrote: https://youtu.be/tsLSKDYRhxk

This reminds me of when my kids do an event at school and everyone gets a ribbon or a trophy just for showing up.  Have we really gotten to a place in society where everyone expects glowing praise all the time and everything is perfect and there is no flaws in anyone or anything.  Here is my take for what it's worth:

1.  If the vendor isn't open to criticism, the vendor ought find another line of work.  Product criticism is how products get better and hence, how your brand gets better.  If the vendor in question here can't accept this, they need to get out of business.  Strong backbone is needed in many professions, being a successful business owner is one of them.  Sending a whiny email to a person who reviewed their products in an average or below average fashion, tells me this vendor probably needs another line of work.  Perhaps instead of an email saying how great my product is and how wrong the reviewer is, they should have asked for insight as to how they could make the product better, suggestions, ideas, etc. 

2.  Chris, I love your videos, and respect your contributions to the community.  I disagree with Freddy however, you should have named the vendor.  Many people, myself included, watch reviews as the determining factor of where to use and send our hard earned dollars.  By not naming the vendor, I think you are doing a disservice to your viewers who look to you for comprehensive reviews.  I'm a middle class Dad with three kids and a wife.  I don't have a ton of disposable income. That's why reviews are so crucial to me and many others. In this case, the Artesian' s response to you, should have been included as part of the review.  How a vendor responds to criticism often directly correlates to how they handle customer service when there are product issues and customers aren't happy. The way they reacted to your review is an indicator of how they will react to dissatisfied customers. This is relevant and you should have named the vendor in question because of it.  By not doing so, I think those of your followers who use your experience to determine product purchases and insights suffer. 

In closing, we really need to get this idea that everything is quality, everyone does well all the time, and there are no losers "as long as you try" mentality out of our culture.  I fear we have reached the point of no return in that regard however.  Some people win and some people lose.  Some products are great others are horrid.  It's been that way since 1776 and the founding of our Country and the Birth of American Capitalism.   The expectation of I'll be great at whatever I do is asinine!  Accepting criticism has become a lost art and I wonder if therein lies a lot of the problems we have today.

EFDan likes this post

Sacramento, CA
Wow. I'm somewhat shocked that a vendor would take this attitude toward any customer. I'm sure the fellow made a knee-jerk reaction and made an emotional response instead of thinking things through clearly. I would be happy if the vendor said, rather, "what can I do to make it better? I'm going back to the drawing board to improve our product."

Guys, I'll be completely honest and transparent as to why I won't mention the vendor. A disagreement that I have with a vendor is no reason for you folks not to try the product and decide for yourselves. If I think a product is really bad I'll mention it and won't hesitate, but that is not the case with this one. This particular vendor feels their product is better than a lot of its contemporaries and on that we disagree. They also didn't feel I gave them a fair shake which I also disagreed with. There is no ongoing dispute and no hard feelings, I just gave the product away and we agreed to move on.

I've taken the non-mentioning approach with a number of vendors. If I am put off by something they do, I just vote with my dollar and leave it at that. I'm not a supporter of boycotting or calling for public lynchings the way some folks are. I would rather just speak with my dollar and move on. There are too many great vendors out there to get hung up on ones you don't agree with. I say speak with your dollar and move on.

ezlovan, Walter, Freddy and 1 others like this post

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