I may be late to the party on this Artesian (after all there are a ton to get through)  but I used his "Leather and Lace" this morning.  What an incredible performing soap.  Highly impressed.  Lathered like a beast was surprisingly easy to lather considering its a "hard Soap".  8 ounces for $20.00 I got mine on sale at Maggards for $15.00. You can't beat that per ounce price and given the quality of the soap, it's an amazing deal. I liked the scent, smells like black licorice mixed with some leather and lavender.  Left my face feeling wonderful post shave

I know his soaps have been around for a while and he is by no means a new vendor although his product was "new" to me.  I must say his soap is really fantastic.  I will be ordering more of his offerings in the future.

Matsilainen, Hardtop01 and Hobbyist like this post

Austin, TX
Good review- an artisan I have not used either although have read good things.

So many soaps, so little time...  Smile

Matsilainen likes this post
Soapy Bathman is one of those soaps that fly below the radar but is great to use.  The soap is easy to lather once you bloom it, and the scents are excellent.  I have the cigar scent and doesn't it smell like a cigar parlour complete with a dude in the corner smoking a big ol  Stoggy!  Furthermore the scent last quite awhile.  I'm not sure they have an AS, but you may not need it as the post shave feel is one of the best.  The soap appears to be more expensive, but when you take into account you could kill someone with the weight and hardness of the soap you will quickly reconsider.

Soapy needs more love.

Matsilainen likes this post

Golf Nut
San Antonio, Texas
I recently bought the Irish Waterfall at Q Brothers. The performance is to notch (AAA) and the post shave is amazing (probably due to clay and lanolin). WIll buy more from Soapy Bathman for sure.

Matsilainen likes this post
Soapy Bathman is great on all fronts.  There is a plethora of interesting scents so there is certainly something for everyone.  Unbeatable value for 8oz of soap.  Top-notch performance. The aftershave balms are amazing and really compliment the soaps.

Don't overlook their other products.  The bath soaps and shampoo bars are PHENOMENAL!

Matsilainen likes this post
(08-25-2015, 04:30 PM)Hardtop01 Wrote: Soapy Bathman is one of those soaps that fly below the radar but is great to use.  The soap is easy to lather once you bloom it, and the scents are excellent.  I have the cigar scent and doesn't it smell like a cigar parlour complete with a dude in the corner smoking a big ol  Stoggy!  Furthermore the scent last quite awhile.  I'm not sure they have an AS, but you may not need it as the post shave feel is one of the best.  The soap appears to be more expensive, but when you take into account you could kill someone with the weight and hardness of the soap you will quickly reconsider.

Soapy needs more love.
Agree with you on the Soapy Bathman Cigar Lounge - Great scent. If you want a cologne that's very similar in scent and dirt cheap go with Cuba Gold EDT

Matsilainen likes this post
I realize this is an old thread but I would rather comment here than start a new one. I was just wondering why Soapy Bathman is not talked about more on the forums. I also noticed Maggard dropped the line, which must mean it wasn't selling well. PAA has reduced the price on theirs to $16.00 which sounds like they are dropping the line too possibly. I don't get it. First of all, if you read his website he probably has more experience than most artisans out there. He has had a separate soap store/website for years before launching SB, which is an additional website not a replacement. He created SB to have a store that caters to men. In my experience, Soapy Bathman soaps are top of the line performers and the scent of the one I bought is outstanding. Let me emphasize this again, the performance and scent are both exceptional. I don't even consider them hard to lather as long as you bloom the pucks per the owner's recommendation in his how to video on youtube. However, with a synthetic I can load it just fine without blooming. Considering how few tallow offerings there are I am pretty much shocked SB is not praised more.

Matsilainen likes this post
I agree as the starter of this thread soapy bathman is rarely mentioned and it's an incredible soap..... I hope the "major" Wet shaving sites not carrying it doesn't mean its demise. It's an incredible performer.

Hobbyist likes this post
I just pulled the trigger on the Irish Waterfall from PAA a couple of days ago. I'm on a GIT kick and will have 5 different vendor's takes when this arrives. The only ones I'm really missing are outside of my preferred price range. I'll share my thoughts when this one arrives.

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Garrett, The Shaving Disciple - Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, YouTuber, Head Shaver
2024 Software Restraint
(01-01-2016, 04:56 AM)gwsmallwood Wrote: I just pulled the trigger on the Irish Waterfall from PAA a couple of days ago.  I'm on a GIT kick and will have 5 different vendor's takes when this arrives.  The only ones I'm really missing are outside of my preferred price range.  I'll share my thoughts when this one arrives.

You need to try the real GIT if you haven't already. I have the balm from Creed and it smells amazing. I didn't realize Soapy Bathman's Irish Waterfall was a take on that. Now you have me interested in that one. I was thinking of Amaretto on the Rocks.

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