
That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2017, 06:33 PM by BadDad.)
So, long story short...I had a son when I was 15 that I did not meet until he was 22, about 6 years ago. I found him on Facebook then, and we started to develop a modicum of a relationship from there. He came and lived with my daughter and I for a couple years, and while I cannot say we are "close", he is my son, I love him, and we do communicate as time and distance allow.

He is 28, and he and his fiance had their first child this morning at about 3am. Baby Zeke came into the world, and by all accounts, he is healthy, and boy does my son look happy...

Anyhow...Im 1500 miles away, and have not even met Momma Bear yet, so I don;t have any pictures, and I don;t really have anything to add other than that.

You all are my friends here, and I wanted to share with someone about my exciting news. I have no idea when I will be able to meet my Grandson, or his Momma, but I am so proud of my Boy, and I wanted to share with someone. You guys are it...

Thanks for letting me put this here!

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-Chris~Head Shaver~

Metro Detroit

BadDad likes this post
I should, from now on, call you Uncle Chris, as I am just 1 year older than your son Big Grin.

Congrats, by the way. (now I will go back to thinking about my biggest achievement at the age of 15)

BadDad, Freddy and Mickey Oberman like this post

Northern Arizona
Chris, I couldn't be happier for you! This will be a fun journey because grand kids can do no wrong!

Mickey Oberman and BadDad like this post
“Forty-two,” said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.

Posting Freak
It takes time for everything to fall in place. My children live in California. And me in Tenn. 1800 miles. When I was driving trucks I saw them and my grandchildren quite often but now being retired not so much now. Keep in touch with them and see what happens. Congratulations on the grandchild.

Sent from my QTAQZ3 using Tapatalk

Matsilainen, User 1429, BadDad and 1 others like this post


BadDad and Mickey Oberman like this post
Shave yourself.

BadDad and Mickey Oberman like this post

Congrats man! Hopefully you get to meet them sooner rather than later.

BadDad and Mickey Oberman like this post
- Jeff

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Chris, I am so happy for you.  May this new chapter in your life be absolutely amazing in every way.

If you get a chance to visit or your son and his fiancée send a photo, will you post it, please? Smile

Mickey Oberman and BadDad like this post

Central Maine

Mickey Oberman likes this post
Brian. Lover of SE razors.

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