Back to shaving equipment hierarchy, I find it really hard to unequivocally state that any one component is tops. It’s been so long since I’ve shaved with truly crappy shaving equipment. All of the razors, blades, brushes, soaps and post shave products that I own are pretty darn good and it’s easy to take it for granted. But if I go back 10 or 15 years not everything I tried was great. Partly it was the state of the market and partly it was my own technique or more accurately, lack thereof. What I’m trying to say is, it’s easy to say the brush isn’t as important as the razor when you have only excellent brushes but if for whatever reason you lost all your brushes and were unable to replace them you may find yourself really missing the brush aspect of your shave. Same with any other component. I guess this post is a long convoluted way of saying that I can’t make that Sophie’s Choice!