Got some samplers in last week of this newer artisan soap. I am impressed. Tallow, lanolin based soaps. Terrific scents, imo. Lathered easily with my boar brush using a modified "Marco" method (i.e., very wet brush that I squeeze quickly right at base of the knot & lots of product on brush). Lather was copious, cushiony and slick as guano. After shave feel was nice (lanolin). I find this to be remarkably similar performance-wise and scent-wise to Thru the Fire premium soaps, which I really like a lot (TTF may be slightly cheaper tho, I think) but with a larger and more varied scent selection.
So if you are looking for something a little bit different scent-wise and with good performance, check it out.
So if you are looking for something a little bit different scent-wise and with good performance, check it out.
Unless you are the lead dog, the view never changes...