currently my favorite is the Yaqi 22mm tuxedo knot cola brush. I would like to try others, but am having trouble finding long handle synthetic brushes. I don’t want anything larger than a 24 knot and prefer fancy resin handles. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Posting Freak
(This post was last modified: 12-30-2019, 04:49 AM by celestino.)
You could always contact a brush artisan to turn you a handle of your choice and insert your favourite synthetic knot. Just an option.

wyze0ne likes this post
Love, Laughter & Shaving  Heart

Jozi, South Africa
Try a Razorock 400.
My preference would be the aluminium handle but they do make them with a resin handle.

Cutty Sharp, Captainjonny and Lipripper660 like this post

I own both the Yaqi Cola 22mm and Razorock 400 (both the aluminum with tuxedo knot and butterscotch resin with Noir Plissoft versions). I now have 23 brushes (badger, boar and many synthetic from Kent, Simpsons, China, Italy, Wolf USA, Custom USA, etc.), and I also prefer longer handle brushes. The Yaqi Cola is in my second favorite synthetic. My #1all time favorite brush is the Razorock 400 butterscotch resin with Noir Plissoft synthetic knot (24mm). If you like the Yaqi Cola, you will love the Razorock 400. I highly recommend this brush for both performance and softness. Italian Barber has priced this brush below most high quality synthetic brushes ordered direct from China (Yaqi, DSCosmetic, etc.). The RR 400 with Noir Plissoft is a great value under $15! The aluminum with the tuxedo knot is also a fantastic value under $20. The RR tuxedo knot has a little more backbone than the Noir Plissoft, but both are great. You will not find a better long handle synthetic brush than this. Just order one and let us know what you think.

shaver69 and Cutty Sharp like this post
[Image: 7KiSzky.jpg]Razorock 400 is a great brush

Captainjonny likes this post
Does the razor 400 have enough backbone to whip up a quick lather?  I had one of their plissoft’s that had little backbone and wound up giving it away.
Heritage Collection also makes some nice rubberset throwback handles I've been looking at.

Captainjonny likes this post
Garrett, The Shaving Disciple - Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, YouTuber, Head Shaver
2024 Software Restraint

The RR 400 with Noir Plissoft is an "instantaneous" lather monster with creams and soft soaps. I have not used it with a hard soap puck. You are correct that it does not have great backbone. IMHO The RR 400 (aluminum) with the tuxedo knot has more backbone than the Noir Plissoft. I have used it with creams, soft and hard soaps. The tuxedo knot is not as soft as the Noir Plissoft knot, but is still a fabulous synthetic knot. I am not sure that anything is as soft as the Noir Plissoft knot. I love the RR 400 handle, especially at the low pricepoint.

I just heard about the Heritage Collection on a recent Kensurfs youtube video, and checked out their website. Their business is re-creating exact replicas of old classic brushes, and
they look fantastic. I had no idea that this vendor existed. More fodder for my incurable BAD. Has anyone out there bought a brush from Heritage?
(12-31-2019, 06:05 AM)Captainjonny Wrote: I just heard about the Heritage Collection on a recent Kensurfs youtube video, and checked out their website.  Their business is re-creating exact replicas of old classic brushes, and
they look fantastic.  I had no idea that this vendor existed.  More fodder for my incurable BAD.  Has anyone out there bought a brush from Heritage?

Yes, just learning about this vendor is terrible for my wallet.  Viewing their webstore....ugh.  I am vexed.  I see about 5 new brushes in my near future.
Check out Bob Quinn at Eliterazor.com You can select a synthetic knot for any of his handles.

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