

hrfdez likes this post
Zach - Instagram|Twitter @ zacharydrake YouTube|VoiceByte @ ShaveoftheZach
Nice video.
I will be honest though, when he says "How can they do that? Because it's Razorock and that's what Razorock does - high quality products, extremely low prices" it immediately started to feel very much like a sponsored ad and it pretty much erased any impact the review may have had on me.

hrfdez likes this post

Chazz Reinhold HOF
Thanks for taking the time doing this review.

zacharydrake likes this post

(This post was last modified: 12-19-2015, 09:12 AM by zacharydrake.)
(12-19-2015, 02:02 AM)darkbulb Wrote: Nice video.
I will be honest though, when he says "How can they do that? Because it's Razorock and that's what Razorock does - high quality products, extremely low prices" it immediately started to feel very much like a sponsored ad and it pretty much erased any impact the review may have had on me.

Thank you. I'm a huge RazoRock fan. I don't have a lot of their products but I love what Joe has been able to do for the community. The video wasn't sponsored or requested by anyone at RazoRock. Simply a few viewers asked me to do it after seeing a video where I used the brush.

As far as how Joe gets us great products for so cheap? I have no idea, but that's what he's been doing for some time and that's what I hope he continues to do! Happy Shaving Smile

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

steeleshaves and hrfdez like this post
Zach - Instagram|Twitter @ zacharydrake YouTube|VoiceByte @ ShaveoftheZach

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