
(This post was last modified: 12-11-2023, 09:47 PM by adeliry.)
7 o'clock blue blades are really very sharp and comfortable more than black ones that i tested both.and its not similar to gillette silver blue at all that i don't like .
Also i preffer gillette platinum and permasharp over nacet.

Do you tested new gillette platinum that is fantastic?:

[Image: wSUOUEV.jpg]

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Chicago Suburbs
(This post was last modified: 12-11-2023, 10:56 PM by RayClem.)
(12-11-2023, 09:44 PM)adeliry Wrote: 7 o'clock blue blades are really very sharp and comfortable more than black ones that i tested both.and its not similar to gillette silver blue at all that i don't like .
Also i preffer gillette platinum and permasharp over nacet.

Do you tested new gillette platinum that is fantastic?:

[Image: wSUOUEV.jpg]

The Gillette Platinum blades I tested were from a few years ago. I did not purchase new ones as I was not a fan of the older ones. Have you tested the old and new Platinum side by side? If so, how do they differ.? I have always assumed they were the same other than the packaging, but that might not be the case. By any chance are the NEW Gillette Platinums made in China rather than Russia? If so, I have been looking for feedback on them.

You indicated you prefer the Platinums and Permasharps over Nacets. What is the reason for this preference? I find the PermaSharp Super to be quite similar to the Nacet; both are super sharp, but could be a little smoother. The Gillette Platinum I have used are not sharp enough for a great shave.I presume when you say Permasharp that you are not referring to the 7 O'Clock Permasharp stainless blades made in India, but the one made in Russia.

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(This post was last modified: 12-12-2023, 12:06 AM by adeliry.)
I tested 3 gıllette platinium,
1- new with "gillette platinum" ink print on blades
2- new with "gillette platinum" laser mark on blades
3- newest one that "gillette platinum" and an "arrow" laser marked on blade:

[Image: v2luHM9.jpg]

[Image: wibOUj4.jpg]

[Image: ULjART4.jpg]

1 and 2 are identical to me and i couldn't identify any difference but third one is sharper than others  significantly.( you can find them on https://www.razorbladesclub.com/razorbla...tinum-new/)

Regarding permasharp as you said i mean gillette permasharp with brown boxes.
I tested 3-4 sapmle of nacets but all of them had average quality(may be all samples that i had were made for middleast countries).
Also i found vintage nacet but it also was not sharp and comfort(ymmv):

[Image: SdLPssS.jpg]

DanLaw and Captainjonny like this post

These vintage gillette blades are also very nice but hard to find:
[Image: xR3veH1.jpg]
[Image: iQXi3cN.jpg]

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Chicago Suburbs
These blades appear to be the "new" Gillette Platinums in the blue packaging and having the arrows etched.
It is interesting that the information on the package says they are made by PPI and have a copyright date of 2017.


The ones I tested have black ink.

At one time there was some speculation that King C Gillette blades were the same as Gillette Platinum blades. While the KCG blades are definitely NOT the same as the Gillette Platinum blades of the past, it might be possible that the "new" Gillette Platinum blades might be the same. When I tested the King C Gillette blades, they had a sharpness rating of 4.5 and a smoothness rating of 5. That is both sharper and smoother than the old Gillette Platinums. If the new Platinums are similar to the King C Gillette blades, then they are worth trying. According to another web site, a Gillette Customer Service Representative stated that the King C Gillette blades were not the same design as Gillette Platinum, but that statement might be comparing them to the older Gillette Platinum blades rather than the newer ones.

I said that I would not purchase the King C Gillette blades in 10 blade tucks for $7, but if they became available in bulk at a more reasonable price I would purchase them. Assuming that the quality of the new Gillette Platinums is similar to the King C Gillette blades, I placed an order for 50 blades. I hope my gamble pays off.

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Chicago Suburbs
(This post was last modified: 12-13-2023, 06:49 PM by RayClem.)
Today's Shave- Gillette Silver Blue

Gillette Silver Blue blades have quite a following within the wet shaving community. For many shavers, the GSBs are great blades. For my tough beard and sensitive skin, I wish they were a tad sharper and a tad smoother.

I started the shave with the 7 O'Clock SharpEdge yellow in the razor. As expected, there was some blade resistance cutting my two-day beard. Any improvement in sharpness during the 1st shave was minimal After a few strokes, I replaced the blade with a Gillette Silver Blue. I have had the blades for a few years, so they still have the black ink printing. The GSB exhibited a similar level of resistance as the SharpEdge. However, the SharpEdge blades are smoother. I could definitely feel the GSB on my face. Unlike the SharpEdge blades which became only minimally sharper during the shave, the Silver Blue did become sharper such that I was able to get a near-BBS shave using a four-pass shave including a clean-up pass with buffing strokes. When I applied witch hazel after the shave, I did get moderate feedback.

Based on the results of this shave, the Gillette Silver Blue blades rate 4 sharpness and 4 smoothness. As such it performs in a manner quite similar to the Gillette Platinum blades. While both are blades I could use, I prefer even sharper, smoother blades. For many shavers these are great blades. The evaluation spreadsheet has been updated.

Yesterday's Amazon delivery brought two new blades. One is the Jaguar 8094 blade recommended by another forum member. While Jaguar is a German company, I can find no information on the origin of the blades. There are no marking on the blade. Jaguar sells primarily to professional barbers and stylists.

The second blade is from Facon. These blades are said to be made of Japanese stainless steel, but Japan produces a wide range of steels of varying quality, so that is more for advertising than information. These platinum coated blades are said to be made in China.

Later today I should be receiving my new Karve brass C-baseplate so that I can do a proper face-off shave. I also have 7 O'Clock Super Stainless (green), Topaz Platinum, Tiger Platinum and Tatara Platinum blades arriving in that shipment. The 7 O'Clock blades were intended for the original evaluation, but I could not find the ones I thought I had stashed away. The Topaz blades are from Malhotra Shaving-India that made the Laser Ultra blades. I will be interested in seeing how the platinum blades compare to the triple coated polymer. I ordered the Tiger Platinum blades to see how they compare to the Tiger Stainless, Tatra Platinum and Tatara Platinum blades made by the same factory. I plan to do face-off shaves to see if Tiger Platinums and Tatra Platinums are the same blade with different labels. I purchased a few Tataras as I was surprised that my initial evaluation of this blade did not meet my pre-conceived notions.

Update: I found out that the Jaguar blades are made in Egypt, so I presume they are similar to one of the Lord blades I have tested. If I am lucky, they will be as good as the Silver Star blades. Since the Jaguar blades are only available in packs of 10 blades, purchasing a bulk pack of similar Lord blades would be a better value.

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(12-13-2023, 03:19 PM)RayClem Wrote: The second blade is from Facon. These blades are said to be made of Japanese stainless steel, but Japan produces a wide range of steels of varying quality, so that is more for advertising than information. These platinum coated blades are said to be made in China. 

I did a reveiw on this blade a short while back and while I found the blade sharp and had a couple good shaves I found that the blade had to be snapped off the top cap as it got stuck on the threads. I thought maybe the 1st blade was a fluke but it also happened with the 2nd blade also. The remainder of the 50pk was recycled after that...

Here is a link to my reveiw and some pics...

TommyCarioca, adeliry and DanLaw like this post

Chicago Suburbs
(12-13-2023, 03:27 PM)muzichead Wrote:
(12-13-2023, 03:19 PM)RayClem Wrote: The second blade is from Facon. These blades are said to be made of Japanese stainless steel, but Japan produces a wide range of steels of varying quality, so that is more for advertising than information. These platinum coated blades are said to be made in China. 

I did a reveiw on this blade a short while back and while I found the blade sharp and had a couple good shaves I found that the blade had to be snapped off the top cap as it got stuck on the threads. I thought maybe the 1st blade was a fluke but it also happened with the 2nd blade also. The remainder of the 50pk was recycled after that...

Here is a link to my review and some pics...

Thanks for that feedback. In reading some of the reviews I did see that some customers found the blades to be tight getting on and off the posts and thread. 
I think the blades are primarily intended for use in half-blade shavettes, so the tight posts would not be an issue. However, those blade measurements have been standardized for over 100 years, so getting them wrong is a rookie mistake. I presume your Blackbird was machined to spec.

If the blade is as sharp and smooth as many people say, it might be a good addition to my den. Although I am currently using a single razor for all my blade evaluations, my normal shave routine uses four razors each equipped with its own blade. If the blade is super sharp, yet smooth, I might be able to use it for my clean-up passes and change the blade once a month. If it does not work out, I guess they will get recycled as yours did.

DanLaw, adeliry, muzichead and 1 others like this post

Chicago Suburbs
Santa arrived early with more blades for evaluation. They include:

Bolzano Superinox - These are titanium coated blades that have been made by Lord for the past few years. I am not aware of any Lord branded blades with a titanium coating, so this should be an interesting test.

Treet Classic- These are carbon steel blades. Treet is only of the few manufacturers still using carbon steel. I have not shaved with a carbon steel blade since using Gillette Super Blue blades as a teenager. It will be interesting to see how these perform.

Treet DuraSharp (blue)- I want to see how the stainless blade compares to the carbon blade and the previously tested platinum coated blade by the same manufacturer.

Gillette Platinum (new). These blades were made in Russia, but are the laser etched blades with an arrow on the blades. These blades were recommended by adeliry who indicated they were better than the older printed blades that I reviewed. I plan to do a face off shave between the new Gillette Platinums and the King C Gillette blades. I am hoping they will perform like the King C Gillette blades, which are among the highest ranking blades.

The final tests will be done on two blades no longer being manufactured. The first is the Gillette Polsilver Iridium that was replaced by the Wizamet Iridium. Some remaining stock of Polsilvers remains. The last blade is the Personna Crystal. It was made in Israel, but was not transferred to Germany along with the Personna Platinum Chrome (formerly Israeli red). The Crystal is platinum coated like the Israeli reds, but in previous usage, the two blades are different. I will do a face off shave between these two Israeli made blades.

While there are dozens of blade brands, both OEM and generic branded, the tests will have covered more than 50 brands. Hopefully, this will provide guidance to DE shavers who looking for a better blade to improve their shaves or are looking for alternatives to their current blades.

adeliry and DanLaw like this post
(This post was last modified: 12-14-2023, 10:25 PM by Gasman.)
Hi Ray.
I've been reading your review but its just too long for me to keep reading. what post # would have a list of what you have tried and your opinion on them? Or something like that. I will continue to read the thread but a little help please?

Found it. Keep up the good work.

Thanks, Jerry...

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