
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2016, 04:53 PM by Owba.)
I've had a tub of Proraso Preshave sitting in my den for over a year now.  I originally bought it because I read it was great stuff for post shave and that's what I used it for a couple times after the original purchase.  Then after I found Soap Commander Integrity balm it's just sat there starring at me for the past year.  Over the weekend I was watching some youtube videos of Turkish barbers.  Great videos by the way.  The next time I'm somewhere near a Turkish barber I know where Im going!  Anyways I watched them to see how they go about shaving their customers.  One thing I noticed is they always used a hot towel, just like I do.  I am not a post shower shaver so I soak a towel in water as hot as I can stand it and put that on my beard for a few minutes.  Then they applied a preshave, not sure what it was.  Then they lathered and went on with the shave.  Watching them build the lather was interesting as well.  Long lofted boar brushes.  I wonder if they were using Arko soap??  

All that for this.  I was rushed for time a couple nights ago but wanted/needed to get a shave in.  I didn't even want to take two minutes to soak a towel and use it on my face.  I looked over and saw this starring back at me.

[Image: proraso-pre-shave-cream-refresh-1.jpg]

I rinsed my face a few times and applied a thin layer of the pre shave.  I let it sit/absorb while I loaded my brush and then went on with my shave as normal with a nice face lathering three passer.

I expected the normal not so great but acceptable shave I get when I do not use a hot towel to soak the whiskers before shaving. I've only done this a few times but never get a great shave when my beard hasn't been hydrated.  I've been using my Gillette Black Beauty with a Personna 74 blade.  It has 11 shaves on it and is going strong, but it doesn't give me the closest shaves on my neck that I get with other blades but delivers a great shave none the less.  I finished my shave and went about my evening.  A bit later I reached up and noticed that I had one of the best shaves I can remember and was really surprised given my prep was some Proraso branded Noxzema and did not include soaking the beard at all.   I say that in jest because I dont know the similarities on a ingredient/chemical basis but based on smell alone its the same stuff and I believe some guys use Noxzema instead.  Anyways it was a fantastic shave.  The trouble areas on my neck still weren't BBS but they were better than when I shave with my normal hot towel prep.  Also the closeness of the shave lasted a really long time.  Stubble was not really pronounced for 12 hours or so.  Usually its 6-7 before I feel like I could shave again.  

Given the result the first night I've used this method the last three shaves and have gotten the same great results.  Have been really surprised by this and am glad that I found a use for something that's just been sitting in my den.

So, its called Proraso Preshave and while you rarely read somewhere that folks use it for that the stuff does work as intended, really well.

Freddy, kwsher and Shawn like this post
Bob from Virginia

Austin, TX
Great read Bob and thanks for sharing. I don't have much of a pre-shave routine other than very hot shower, ensuring that I soak my beard, followed with a bit of warm water splash before building lather [I face lather 100%].

I don't have issues but may build some more pre-shave into the process, particularly on the weekends, when I really take my time.

Good stuff!

Owba likes this post

Thanks Kevin.  I shower in the morning and shave at night (waking up 20 minutes earlier to shave is a bridge to far...  Wink  )  so I have always tried to prep with a hot towel.

jimofthecorn and kwsher like this post
Bob from Virginia

Happy to see you enjoying it, Owba, great read as well Smile

Proraso White was my first preshave and was I sad when I ran out of it a long time back. But I got into the PAA preshave pucks instead, and they work great as well. Even just to wash your face and not shave. Anyway, on my last order from Italian Barber I dropped some more Proraso into my order at the last minute. Been happy ever since Smile

Owba and kwsher like this post
I have some Proraso Red Preshave and have been having problems when face lathering. I picked it up as I needed something to compliment some AoS Sandalwood soap I received as a gift. I don't know if it was user error or what, but it dissipated my lather almost immediately. I have since only used as a post shave until I can figure out what I did wrong. Any ideas?

(01-22-2016, 04:57 PM)kentuckygent53 Wrote: I have some Proraso Red Preshave and have been having problems when face lathering.  I picked it up as I needed something to compliment some AoS Sandalwood soap I received as a gift.  I don't know if it was user error or what, but it dissipated my lather almost immediately.  I have since only used as a post shave until I can figure out what I did wrong.  Any ideas?

Hmm, not sure on that one. To be honest I felt when I used it that it boosted my lather. I have not used it with a cream, not sure that would make a difference. Have you tried it with another soap? I'd just try some other variable and see what happens. Also I use a very light layer. Just a few small dabs across my face rubbed in well. I see no trace of it when I start building my lather.

kentuckygent53 likes this post
Bob from Virginia
(01-25-2016, 02:49 PM)Owba Wrote:
(01-22-2016, 04:57 PM)kentuckygent53 Wrote: I have some Proraso Red Preshave and have been having problems when face lathering.  I picked it up as I needed something to compliment some AoS Sandalwood soap I received as a gift.  I don't know if it was user error or what, but it dissipated my lather almost immediately.  I have since only used as a post shave until I can figure out what I did wrong.  Any ideas?

Hmm, not sure on that one.  To be honest I felt when I used it that it boosted my lather.  I have not used it with a cream, not sure that would make a difference.  Have you tried it with another soap?  I'd just try some other variable and see what happens.  Also I use a very light layer.  Just a few small dabs across my face rubbed in well.  I see no trace of it when I start building my lather.

Thanks for the info. I will see how it works out. I haven't been about to get the greatest lather from my AoS soap so that may be the culprit.
(This post was last modified: 02-02-2016, 06:33 AM by EFDan.)
I have always used a thin layer of Noxzema and then put a hot towel on my face, and it has always worked for me. I tried the prorasso, but it is the same product at 5X the price so I could never justify buying it. I also have built enough lather for four passes and then put a hot towel over the first application after face lathering. This works as well. I have also used PAA preshave soap and preshave jelly. They work, but not as well as the other methods mentioned before.

kwsher and Owba like this post
I'll never be without this stuff, I love it that much. Its beneficial for me since I really enjoy the menthol plus scent. I thick stubble and it just gives me extra protection and added menthol for the lather with each pass. I get comfortable 3 pass shaves b/c of proraso pre shave.
(01-20-2016, 04:20 PM)Owba Wrote: I've had a tub of Proraso Preshave sitting in my den for over a year now.  I originally bought it because I read it was great stuff for post shave and that's what I used it for a couple times after the original purchase.  Then after I found Soap Commander Integrity balm it's just sat there starring tat me for the past year.   ...
So, its called Proraso Preshave and while you rarely read somewhere that folks use it for that the stuff does work as intended, really well.

I only have two pre-shaves, Trumpers Skin Food and Proraso Green. It depends upon how I feel. If its cold, I use the Trumpers. If hot, I like the Proraso. I always use    one and they make a difference. Put on the preshave. Soak a towel in hot water. Nuke it for 30 secs. Apply to face. When the towel is getting just warm. Nuke it again and reapply. Then move on. It makes a difference.

I've tried some sample of other pre-shave oils and hate them. They are just gooey messes. However, these two, Trumpers or Proraso, seem to soak into the skin.

Good stuff. I also have several Soap Commander ASB. I like them a lot using Fortitude this winter. More good stuff

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