
The lovely Mary Lou and I will celebrate 32 years of wedded bliss next month. She ordered the Pelikan amethyst gift set for me.  But ML is worse than a kid at Christmas and couldn't wait so she gave it to me early. I am not complaining.

She got this at Pen Chalet - a first time dealing with them and they shipped quickly and sent email updates. My kind of service. We received a 10% coupon code from them and ML used it.

The gift set comes in special packaging and includes the purple 205 pen and a bottle of the Edelstein Amethyst 2015 Ink of the Year .

The box is an interesting design.
[Image: XFDe14q.jpg]

It opens like a book to reveal the contents.
[Image: yHSoaRc.jpg]

The pen is a translucent purple resin. It has a screw cap to close.
[Image: qhaV5Rh.jpg]

It posts by friction fit. The nib is stainless steel and mine is a "fine".
[Image: Oi9YFjN.jpg]

The pen is bottle fill only. It has a piston fill mechanism. You unscrew the pen body finial and this forces the piston to the nib end of the pen.
[Image: CxBb788.jpg]

Insert it into the ink bottle and turn the finial in the opposite direction. This withdraws the plunger and draws ink into the pen. It is very quick and efficient.

The pen writes like a dream. Very smooth. It is my first lightweight pen. It fits and feels good in my hand.
The ink is wonderful as well. ML has a bottle of the 2014 Garnet ink of the year and we like the way that handles. This is just as good. No problems with smearing. as a lefty that is always my first concern.
[Image: HRj595K.jpg]

The Edelstein ink bottles are themselves works of art. Heavy glass with a depression to get the last drop of ink.

All in all I love gift set. This is my first Pelikan pen and I am impressed.

Now I have a few weeks to find a gift for ML Undecided

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Congratulations on the upcoming anniversary, Phil, and enjoy that beautiful pen and ink. Smile
That is a damn fine pen right there

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