
North Carolina
I've left the Oliworks razor sitting on the shelf for several days now and decided to try Wally cigarman 's method of going first pass wide open WTG and then backing way down for subsequent passes. I did WTG 6.5, XTG 3.5, ATG 1.5 with excellent BBS results. No weepers, no discomfort.

It's just a matter of getting this razor dialed in to suit your preferences. The razor provides a very wide range to suit anyone's needs.

ewk, Stickshift, dtownvino and 6 others like this post
I have to say I have also had an excellent experience with the oiliworks and really like the different bars on the baseplate. This is something I was not sure I would like. I have used it multiple times and go the opposite direction from low to high on each pass with the clean up on 5.5-6 and the shave is incredible. I have found using the highest setting last with a light touch gets the trouble areas best. When I use the lowest setting last it always requires too much pressure to get bbs and gives irritation. Used a voskhod blade last night, with wet the face vanilla tobacco shave soap, Dons soaps are incredible in my opinion, a bbs with no irritation. I have the Rex ambassador which I love as well, but I have to admit the Oliworks has quickly become one of my favorite razors.

SinCityAg, ewk, Big_T and 7 others like this post

St. Louis MO

Today's shave was just wonderful.  The Oliblade and the Ethos Bay Rum provided a one-two punch to the stubble.  The shave started at 6.5 WTG then 4 XTG and 1.5 ATG.  Very minimum buffing was needed as it always is in the same problem areas.  I have seen some go in the opposite direction, I may try that with the next shave.  I have had zero problems with the Oliblade, and from what I am reading, the same is true for the vast majority of users.  This combo of the Oliblade razor and Ethos soap is a Winner.

[Image: m8yU5Gc.jpeg]

SinCityAg, ewk, dtownvino and 5 others like this post
RAD is just a permanently temporary condition.  I'll get over it.. eventually.

(08-07-2024, 03:20 AM)cigarman Wrote: For me, the real surprise was when I started on level 6.5 for the WTG pass.  The efficiency was obviously there and there was more blade feel, but it was extremely smooth.

I had the same experience with setting 6.5. Here's what I wrote after my first shave with the razor:

Quote:I opened the razor all the way to 6.5 for the WTG pass on my face. There was definitely more blade feel at that setting, but it didn't feel rough or menacing at all. I was impressed by how smooth it stayed.

Disclosure: I received a free razor from OliWorks.

Big_T, Calm_Shaver, CK89 and 2 others like this post

Just Here for the Shaves
Williamsburg, KY
Thursday August 8, 2024
Razor: Oliworks SS Adjustable
Blade: Wizmaet
Brush: Dragonsbeard Handle/Badger
Soap: Ethos Dragonsbeard
AS : Witch Hazel + Ethos Dragonsbeard
Fragranc: Ethos Dragonsbeard EDP
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 2,101
[Image: 2JxlmYQ.jpeg]

Calm_Shaver, metal_shavings, SinCityAg and 4 others like this post
This post by Dave in KY mentions views and opinions expressed and makes it known that they are "those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DFS or any other member, agency, organization, employer or company."  Big Grin
Well, I raided my piggy bank and ordered one of these.  Now the waiting begins.

Big_T, CK89, cigarman and 5 others like this post

Lizard Acres, Arizona - U.S.A.
(08-08-2024, 01:15 AM)bayourider Wrote: Well, I raided my piggy bank and ordered one of these.  Now the waiting begins.

Hopefullyb you Razor will arrive soon, and you can ad the the Reviews on the Razor.
Roger that and will do

St. Louis MO
I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

SinCityAg likes this post
RAD is just a permanently temporary condition.  I'll get over it.. eventually.


Chester County, PA
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2024, 04:53 PM by dtownvino.)
I have never liked adjustable razors.  However I may go for one.

A good friend has sent one to me to test. I will report back with results once in hand!

Thank you!

MaineYooper, Calm_Shaver, CK89 and 3 others like this post

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