Stone Cottage Soapworks Inc.|Menyarn.com
Stone Cottage Soapworks Inc.|Menyarn.com
(10-26-2017, 03:44 AM)olschoolsteel Wrote: I plan on growing out the WMD. (Weapon of Mass Desire)
There is nothing more fun than chasing the wife around the house with your mustache.
It will be as masterfully glorious as Freddy
(11-01-2017, 10:35 PM)Red Tipped Cobra Wrote: I kind of cheated a bit. I was feeling extremely lazy about mid October. So I haven't shaved anything since around the 14th. But planning to keep and groom the mustache area. I'm planning to let it grow until at least December rolls around before making a call on keeping it longer term or not. We can't all have a glorious mustache like Freddy