I have now had a chance to shave twice with Claddagh and here are my thoughts:
On Performance alone, this is a ridonculously amazing soap. Whips up a crazy beautiful lather and the superlatives in terms of creaminess, cushion, slickness and all that are 100% earned. I shaved with both my Game Changers (68 and 84) and both shaves were effortless and blood free. Post shave is also stupid good. In the performance category, this base competes with my very best. Oleo Canard, APR F2, A&E Goat Milk. In terms of the post shave, it most closely reminds me of Oleo's Canard base.
When it comes to scent, I am far less thrilled. The sample I am working off has a light but noticeable fragrance in the container I have temporarily settled Claddagh into. The scent isn't bad, but I don't love it either. Perfectly pleasant but not more. On the face though, I hardly smell the fragrance. Instead, I seem to mostly smell the base, and particularly the clay component, I think. Again...totally acceptable in terms of scent and maybe even comparable to an unscented soap in the same base.
I think where the rubber meets the road for me is that given the price of this soap and the fact that the scent performs very differently from how other M&McN scents perform, I would not choose to buy a puck of this. The Ourobouros and Mandate of Heaven I ordered have better scents and strengths to my nose, perform just a tiny little bit less spectacularly, and cost $3 less per puck.
If I had to give any kind of feedback to Bill and team, I would suggest going away from Creed clones and finding inspiration from other sources. That could include making their own creations (maybe inspired by Irish countryside fauna/flora) or to make clones of other perfumers (or both).
There are only 2 soapmakers from whom I can buy any scent blind and I know I will like it...Eufros (Jabonman) and APR (and this one often has descriptions that don't really match what is in the tub). Every soap I have ever tried or ordered (often blind) has been a beautiful scent. Noble Otter is close behind, but some of their recent creations have been too cologne-y for my tastes, so they have been relegated to sample-first status for my den. I have ordered almost a half dozen scents from M&McN and have found only 2 I really liked. That isn't a fantastic batting average.
The base is what sells the M&McN soaps, and I could not be happier having 2 soaps in my den and supporting fellow Texans who do a bang up job. But I feel boxed in and constrained by what and how much I can buy from them due to the scents being a weakness relative to the base.
Which brings me to my last point. Namely that IF the base is the biggest draw to secure orders, I think it is a mistake NOT to make the duck/Eisteacht formula the standard formula for all soaps going forward. Because many will simply overlook the scents if the standard base is as good as what I shaved with the last couple of days.
Feel free to flame me now