
Santa Rosa - CA
Mornington Shave Foresta Di Rosa is an awesome soap in terms of performance and scent. Super slick, creamy lather perfection. The scent is exquisite Rose which is blended nicely with Cedarwood and Patchouli. I was also sent a sample of their Abstergo soap, their take on a Barbershop scent. It's also fantastic and quite unusual in its complexity.


Here is my SOTD with Foresta Di Rosa https://www.instagram.com/p/BAXThLYvJs3

tdmsu, Mr_mustache101 and momor like this post

Washington, US
I replied to your email and I'm changing the tax rules at the moment. Thanks for catching that

Blackstone, Va
The presentation looks nice and effort appears to have been made to make a good scent. What is the width of the container? I assume it is a PET container. Best wishes on your new endeavor.

Austin, TX
Interesting scents and the Green Rooibos Tea brewed in Aloe juice is novel. Definitely has me curious- good luck and welcome to DFS.

Would very much enjoy learning a bit more about Mornington and yourself Camden in the Merchant section too.

Washington, US
Thank you. The tubs are roughly 3.5 inches in diameter and you're correct with them being PET.

Washington, US
Thank you for the kind words and the warm welcome. I would love to write something about Mornington in the Merchant section.

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
(01-13-2016, 06:19 PM)Mr_mustache101 Wrote: Thank you for the kind words and the warm welcome. I would love to write something about Mornington in the Merchant section.

andrewjs18 should be able to set you up in the merchant thread. Smile
The ingredient list does look promising, the liquorice root extract and roibos tea part definitely seem interesting. Best of luck with the new venture! The website is very nice, by the way.

Washington, US
Thank you for the kind words Smile
Anyone else used Mornington Shave and have thoughts on it?

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