Looks like he created his profile here a day after he created one over there. It appears his targets were the fancy one off special production uber cool handles and heads. With the huge jump in value from mfr to after market, its easy to see why. A target area rich for exploitation for the motivated.
When we see someone posting obviously over priced item in the BST we always shun them and tell them to screw the people on ebay, not us. Looks like he was doing just that. I am glad I only play in run-of-the-mill vintage items. But then, if I get my asking price, I cant whine about what the next owner does with my items. I lose the right to care when they leave my hands and pass to someone else.
I think the forum is a better place knowing this is how he operates. With that knowledge, the seller can be informed that his fancy handle isnt going to a collection, but to ebay instead. The experimental super secret head made for astronauts are not going to the first born son of the buyer, but to an auction site. Once the seller gets past these hurdles, then they can make the decision to sell or not.
Brand him a heretic, but he technically isnt breaking any rules.