Hello all. I have been using my Slim almost exclusively for a while now. I have also been battling with a wicked case of razor burn on my next, which includes ingrown hairs. Slim to the rescue.

I normally shave on 7-9 using anything from a Voskohd to a Feather. I shaves everything except the rough spot on a 9. I then dialed it down to 1 and shaved the rough spot. I only did 2 passes on 1. The result was a very relaxing shave. No irritation. Of course I still had stubble, and my OCD is kicking in big time about it.

I will have to try the 9 and one again for a few weeks.

Trinity Shaving likes this post
The Slim is a great razor - I much prefer it to the more popular FatBoy.

You should be able to get a perfect shave from the Slim at pretty much any setting over 5. If it's not happening, it may be a technique thing.

Freddy likes this post
- Yohann

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
I agree, Yohann, although I tend to keep mine right at 5. The Fatboy has just never given me as good a shave as the Slim and I attribute that to the differences in the heads of these razors.

Castro Valley,CA
I'm a big fan of the Gillette adjustables. If I had to pick a favorite DE razor, it would be the Super Adjustable with the slim being a very close second.

Freddy likes this post

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
(08-24-2015, 02:42 PM)Trinity Shaving Wrote: I'm a big fan of the Gillette adjustables. If I had to pick a favorite DE razor, it would be the Super Adjustable with the slim being a very close second.

I feel exactly the same about the Super Adjustable just barely edging out the Slim but, honestly, I'm not sure why. Both the Super Adjustable and Slim are head and shoulders above the Fat Boy for me.

Trinity Shaving likes this post

San Jose, CA
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2015, 04:22 AM by waveflow.)
I have been using my Fatboy for the past 4 shaves and might continue for a while. Amazing.

Need to try my Slim out again too (my grandfathers) ... Since reading this thread I just went over to the Bay and bought my birth year Super Adjustable (1974) ... can't wait!

Super smooth razors, dial to taste.

Freddy likes this post
(08-25-2015, 04:12 AM)waveflow Wrote: I have been using my Fatboy for the past 4 shaves and might continue for a while.  Amazing.

Need to try my Slim out again too (my grandfathers) ... Since reading this thread I just went over to the Bay and bought my birth year Super Adjustable (1974) ... can't wait!  

Super smooth razors, dial to taste.

Great find on the birth year razor. I have been looking for a 1974 also. But it needed to be birth quarter as well. U3.

waveflow and Freddy like this post

Austin, TX
I really like the Slim as well; was my first adjustable razor and consistently delivers a great shave.
The Slim is my go to razor. Turned up to 9 I get smooth irritation free shaves every time. It's not fussy about blades either, it has worked well with every blade I've loaded

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