I know, there must be several opinions regarding this and I've heard a few. 

The one that puzzles me is I was told to NEVER use a soft toothbrush!

I was told, "rinse it, use Dawn dish soap to clean it and then a microsoft towel to dry and buff it." The part that doesn't make sense to me is "how do you get into the nooks and crannies, to get the hair and shave soap out" and the razor clean.

Of course I've also heard "use a soft toothbrush and Dawn" (I question the frequency).

So, to all of you who do clean their razors, be they $25 or $300 tell us how you do it and why it works, please!

Thanks all you seasoned wet shaving experts.

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Chester County, PA
If I really want to get rid of soap buildup - scrubbing bubbles (non chlorine).  Every razor I sell gets this before it goes out with an extra soft child’s toothbrush.  Then I wash off with water and dry with a microfiber cloth.  

Other than that it’s just Dawn dish soap every so often.

CarbonShavingCo. likes this post

Quote:I know, there must be several opinions regarding this and I've heard a few.

The one that puzzles me is I was told to NEVER use a soft toothbrush!

I was told, "rinse it, use Dawn dish soap to clean it and then a microsoft towel to dry and buff it." The part that doesn't make sense to me is "how do you get into the nooks and crannies, to get the hair and shave soap out" and the razor clean.

Of course I've also heard "use a soft toothbrush and Dawn" (I question the frequency).

So, to all of you who do clean their razors, be they $25 or $300 tell us how you do it and why it works, please!

Thanks all you seasoned wet shaving experts.

bbobbdd I hope my answer isn't too "geeky" but we use a number of different brushes to clean(and polish) our safety razors including a toothbrush:
[Image: Ve0TNDy.png]
1) Dental brush with small detail brush 2) Stiffer adult toothbrush for excessive build-up 3) Soft baby toothbrush for periodic cleaning 4) Acid proof brush for solvents(including paint thinner), can be cut down to refine bristle stiffness. We  use this brush primarily with paint thinner to remove polishing compound between polishing steps. 5) Polishing brush for removing sanding lines, used with a Dremel and a fine polishing compund 5) Nail brush, used for cleaning knurling. All brushes above are synthetic/plastic except the acid brush which is horse hair.

We wrote a blog that details our recommended steps for polishing and cleaning a safety razor here:
Cleaning and polishing a safety razor

...in brief, similar to dtownvino , we will soak our 316L and Titanium razors in warm dish soap/water, followed by a gentle scrub with toothbrush. For some material and conditions we will add white distilled vinegar to the mix.

Hope this helps...Sean

Rebus Knebus, Cutty Sharp, dtownvino and 5 others like this post
A small company trying to make a great razor...
I hesitate to post this but other than cleaning up a vintage razor which i purchased used, I have never needed to use a brush to clean any of my razors. A rinse and rub with a damp washcloth is enough.

However, I am neurotic about only using soaps that do not leave a heavy residue and which rinse cleanly. I hate having soap scum in the sink.

Some of the soaps which I find to rinse very cleanly are LEA, Cella (all types), Jabonman, and Gillette Pure. One of the worst offenders was............Proraso.

Sorry if this was off topic.

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I disassemble my razor, then rinse part thoroughly and dry each part (including the blade) separately.
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2024, 07:52 PM by Oregon.)
I rinse under hot water and then dry with a towel after each shave.  I use a blade 4 times so when I am changing blades, I wipe each part of the razor with an alcohol wipe, rinse, and dry.  I also wipe the blade with the alcohol wipe before loading it into my razor.  Using the alcohol wipes gives me assurance I am keeping things sanitized.  When I think about it, or when I switch razors, I soak my razor parts in Barbicide.

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