
Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
Recently I have had the opportunity to purchase and shave with some relatively high end double edge razors, including Wolfman solid bar and open comb versions, a Paradigm II Titanium, and a Wolfman DLC. All are fine razors, but each has its own character and unique qualities; and I like all of them. In musing about whether or not they are worth their high prices to me, and in the context always of YMMV, I have had a general conclusion (reached previously through lots of experience using a large number of vintage and modern razors) reconfirmed: with the top-quality vintage blades I use - Wilkinson Light Brigades and Personna 74 Tungstens - these razors do not shave me any closer than less expensive ones, such as my Feather AS-D2 and RazoRock Mamba - although the expensive ones require me to do less touch-up - but the subjective quality of the shave is different. The Wolman and Paradigm razors require slightly less effort and a little more attention and caution, and they give me less auditory and tactile feedback.

For me it is somewhat like riding in an automobile. I can drive a Honda Civic to get to my destination, or theoretically I could drive a Rolls Royce to get there. Either way I will get to the same place in the end, but the ride differs quite a bit. Certainly the Honda costs less and gets much better mileage, but if I am not on a tight budget, is that really important? And the Rolls is fancy, with its amenities and plush comfort - but is it worth the cost? I guess for me the fact is that I enjoy having the chance to experience both "rides" and savor each for its own qualities, and I'm glad that I am not forced to choose one or the other exclusively. On one morning I can relish the simple efficiency of the Feather AS-D2 and "feel the road" more, while on another day I pamper myself and experience the luxury and fine craftmanship of a Wolfman, Paradigm, or Weber. In the end I get BBS shaves and have a really good time doing so - every single day.

wyze0ne, andrewjs18, Vinralgreen and 9 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2018, 07:20 PM by jmudrick.)
(08-29-2018, 06:58 PM)churchilllafemme Wrote: For me it is somewhat like riding in an automobile. I can drive a Honda Civic to get to my destination, or theoretically I could drive a Rolls Royce to get there. Either way I will get to the same place in the end,

Meaning no disrespect to our British friends, you are much more likely to get there in the Civic.

I'm not sure comparing your Feather and Mamba to the Paradigm and Wolfie in terms of efficiency makes much sense, the former are among the mildest, if not THE mildest modern SS razors available..

LOOT, wyze0ne and Deus Vult like this post
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2018, 12:08 AM by Hardtop01.)
(08-29-2018, 06:58 PM)churchilllafemme Wrote: Recently I have had the opportunity to purchase and shave with some relatively high end double edge razors, including Wolfman solid bar and open comb versions, a Paradigm II Titanium, and a Wolfman DLC.  All are fine razors, but each has its own character and unique qualities; and I like all of them.  In musing about whether or not they are worth their high prices to me, and in the context always of YMMV, I have had a general conclusion (reached previously through lots of experience using a large number of vintage and modern razors) reconfirmed: with the top-quality vintage blades I use - Wilkinson Light Brigades and Personna 74 Tungstens - these razors do not shave me any closer than less expensive ones, such as my Feather AS-D2 and RazoRock Mamba - although the expensive ones require me to do less touch-up - but the subjective quality of the shave is different.  The Wolman and Paradigm razors require slightly less effort and a little more attention and caution, and they give me less auditory and tactile feedback.

For me it is somewhat like riding in an automobile.  I can drive a Honda Civic to get to my destination, or theoretically I could drive a Rolls Royce to get there.  Either way I will get to the same place in the end, but the ride differs quite a bit.  Certainly the Honda costs less and gets much better mileage, but if I am not on a tight budget, is that really important?  And the Rolls is fancy, with its amenities and plush comfort - but is it worth the cost?  I guess for me the fact is that I enjoy having the chance to experience both "rides" and savor each for its own qualities, and I'm glad that I am not forced to choose one or the other exclusively.  On one morning I can relish the simple efficiency of the Feather AS-D2 and "feel the road" more, while on another day I pamper myself and experience the luxury and fine craftmanship of a Wolfman, Paradigm, or Weber.  In the end I get BBS shaves and have a really good time doing so - every single day.

Completely understand.  Every so often I get on my high horse and tell myself “I’m only going to shave with my elite premium razors..”  This works up until I grab my schick adjustable and say to myself”except for this one because it’s so unique and shaves so well.”  Then I grab my Muhle R41 and make another exception, “because the balance is great and it shaves so well.”  Rinse, repeat another 8 times and at the end of the day, nothing changed. The mix of premium and low cost razors remains intact because they land me on the same spot, same as yours!

Blade4vor, LOOT, Marko and 3 others like this post

(This post was last modified: 08-29-2018, 10:37 PM by beisler.)
I agree. BBS is BBS-- Todaty I shaved with my $30 Hawk V2 and yesterday my Blackbird and the day before my CG. What I look for in my shaves lately is the LONGEVITY of the BBS.
I do find that the higher cost or "premium" razors BBS last a little bit longer but that is no big deal. Still that is what I look for in a razor. Any razor can BBS my face and head but I like the longevity aspect of it.

alphege and Captainjonny like this post
BARRY--- BBS OR BUST---- Modern Razors Only
To me, the amount of touchup required makes a big difference in irritation. Also, other razors may accomplish XTG or even WTG what others can only do ATG.

At either end of the blade exposure range, (very mild or very aggressive), closer attention to angle is needed.

I am highly susceptible to ingrowns on my neck because most of the hairs grow dead flat against the skin. Different razors can make a big difference here.

In the end though, I agree that I can get a close shave from almost any razor. How long it takes and how my skin feels afterward can vary quite a bit.

Matsilainen and Captainjonny like this post
All the razors I have left could be defined as "high end", and they've made the cut over a few years of attrition. They all give me anywhere from nicely smooth to glass smooth shaves effortlessly.

Redwood City
(09-04-2018, 04:18 AM)uncle_dubya Wrote: All the razors I have left could be defined as "high end", and they've made the cut over a few years of attrition. They all give me anywhere from nicely smooth to glass smooth shaves effortlessly.

Which razors made the cut?

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(09-04-2018, 10:55 AM)drdeemanda Wrote:
(09-04-2018, 04:18 AM)uncle_dubya Wrote: All the razors I have left could be defined as "high end", and they've made the cut over a few years of attrition. They all give me anywhere from nicely smooth to glass smooth shaves effortlessly.

Which razors made the cut?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

yes, please share.
I've always said I can get a BBS shave with my $5 40s superspeed just as well as my Timeless or ATT. They DO shave differently though. I think the best part of the whole return to traditional wet shaving for me has been the fun in how different all of the razors, soaps and brushes are. There are almost limitless combos to try out. For me it wasn't about buying every new thing that came out. It was just trying out different things. Now that I have tried everything on the spectrum I don't really feel the need to purchase many things for the most part. I buy some new things here and there, but I am pretty comfortable with what I have.

beisler and LOOT like this post
You have NO IDEA (well maybe some of you do) how hard it was to convince my wife: "No really, this ATT S1 really is worth the $185."

I'm at the point now where she has just accepted it though, shakes her head and laughs. Like I always tell her, "Hey you're lucky I'm not REALLY into guns or cars. This is CHEAP." When framed that way she smiled and waved the white flag, oh, and when I open the walk in closet and point to her purses and shoes seemed to help my argument even more. Smile

beisler and LOOT like this post

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