Hi , middle aged shaver returning to the fold.
Started shaving in the early eighties with a super adjustable passed down from my dad and remember going down the local grocers to get a 5 pack of blades for £1 (no one bought a hundred at a time in them days).
Can remember going to the local market and getting my aftershave  , such classics as He-Man and hai Karate bargain at 50p a bottle , soap on a rope was my shaving soap.
After a few years probably 85ish got an electric razor for Christmas , gradually updated the electric and finally ending up with a top of the range braun series 7 .
Then several years ago quite by chance I was browsing a computer forum and one of the threads was about wet shaving .
Since then I have bought countless razors although my RAD is in remission now , well after my 7 piece ATT arrives.
The only razor I have kept and used constantly for the last 2 years is a Feather AS D2 , perfect once you get used to its mildness and the only razor I can use for a second shave in the evening when going out on the town.
Still use the Braun now and again , cant beat it for a quick shave if I had a lie in.

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Welcome to DFS. Smile

Fort Smith, Arkansas
Welcome, to DFS.

The Dude Abides
Lots of UK peeps lately, welcome!!!

Los Angeles

Thousand Oaks, CA
Welcome lelliott
Gareth  |  VENDOR 
Free U.S. Shipping on orders over $45!
Enabling wet-shavers since 2012.

Surrey, UK
Welcome to DFS, from another UK member.

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