Hi all,

I guess I am a member for around a month now. I guess it is time for me to introduce myself. I am Cihan (Pronounced Djihan) from Cyprus currently living in Turkey. I have been traditional wet shaving for couple years and been an active contributor to a Turkish shaving forum. I have been lurking in several foreign forums but never had time to be active. I hope to be more active here. Some of you already know me from my review for Rocnel's prototype. I will keep giving you updates from there as well.

SharpSpine likes this post

Posting Freak
Welcome, Cihan! Happy
Love, Laughter & Shaving  Heart

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Welcome, Cihan; it is a pleasure to have you at DFS. Smile

Charleston, South Carolina
Welcome aboard, Cihan!

Eleven shaving
Welcome to DFS!!

Los Angeles
Cihan, welcome!

North Carolina
Welcome to DFS Cihan!

Welcome to DFS!
- Jeff
Hi Cihan, welcome! Nice review btw.

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Welcome to the forum.

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