Hello DFS,

I'm Charlie.  Just learned about this forum while shopping for soap (the description of the DFS LE soap made my mouth water... I didn't feel comfortable ordering prior to joining, so now that I'm a member here I can buy it without compunction!).

I'm an active member on one other site, still, it's nice to find a relaxed new venue for sharing thoughts about wet shaving. Have been traditional  wet shaving for about two years now, after despising the chore for the previous 40+ years. I use two modern razors, but I've also acquired a nice little collection of vintage Gillettes and more recently GEMs. Just recently became a fan of SE razors btw, and am awaiting a near mint Featherweight in the mail this week. I've developed a real fondness for quality Simpsons and Semogue badger brushes after a year of trying to convince myself that pure badger and boar brushes are just as satisfying. Started out as a bowl latherer, but now I'm exclusively a face latherer.

I'm always trying to convert folks to the joys of trad wet shaving - the number stands at three, but four isn't far behind.

All the best to this DFS forum and its members - live long and prosper!

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Welcome to DFS, Charlie. Smile

Philadelphia, PA
welcome to the site.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Los Angeles
Charlie, welcome!

expert shaver
Welcome Charlie to the forum. When I think of Bayside I think of the Blue Bay Diner Smile
Thanks for the welcome, gents Smile.

Jerry, Blue Bay is a fixture. Are you from the area?

Southern Ohio
Welcome to DFS!
Welcome to DFS.

Castro Valley,CA
Hi Charlie. Welcome to DFS!

expert shaver
(10-19-2015, 11:25 AM)chazt Wrote: Thanks for the welcome, gents Smile.

Jerry, Blue Bay is a fixture. Are you from the area?

My Parents lived in Kew Gardens for over 35 years and I once lived and worked in the Flushing area. Went to the Blue Bay many times back in the 60s.

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