
Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
(12-25-2015, 10:56 PM)SharpSpine Wrote: I've tried corking. I stopped simply because it was one more thing to keep track of and didn't do any better than my hands.  My hands are always with me. At least they better be or shaving is the least of my concerns.

I agree with this, Brian, but even more, from a safety perspective, I tend to use my DE razors and blades considerably more than my SEs and I honestly think that there is probably less chance of injuring myself by carefully hand stropping than by corking.  It's just my opinion but I am comfortable with hand stropping.

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Greenville, SC USA
(12-25-2015, 10:46 PM)hrfdez Wrote: I found an easier and safer way.  I also do it before the first use.  I use a wine cork.  I run the blade in a cutting motion a couple of times and voila!  A good friend shared that technique with me and it works great.

And, I mostly do it with SE only.
Heard of that, too! As a bit of an oenophile, I always have corks about the premises. Going to try that next.

Just palm stropped a new blade, with which I'm familiar. It'll be Saturday morning's shave. Strikes me that if this procedure has efficacy, a hand sized piece of leather would be a good thing to have at hand in the den.

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Does Mean I Must Buy High End Shaving Gear?

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
We'll be looking forward to your thoughts, beamon. Smile

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Philadelphia, PA
(12-25-2015, 11:50 PM)beamon Wrote:
(12-25-2015, 10:35 PM)andrewjs18 Wrote: I believe all users should be able to edit their thread title by using the 'full edit'.  in any case, I fixed it for you.
Thanks, Andrew. Maybe the next version of the s/w will allow it.

that functionality should already exist. when you click edit>full edit, it should allow you to modify the thread title.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Greenville, SC USA
(12-26-2015, 01:10 AM)andrewjs18 Wrote: that functionality should already exist.  when you click edit>full edit, it should allow you to modify the thread title.
Oh yeah, I never thoought to try that edit>full edit thingy. Thanks.

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Does Mean I Must Buy High End Shaving Gear?

Central Maine
You gents and your hand stropping.... Sorry, but it gives me the willies and I know that it's perfectly safe to do.

SharpSpine likes this post
Brian. Lover of SE razors.

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
(12-26-2015, 04:07 AM)ShadowsDad Wrote: You gents and your hand stropping.... Sorry, but it gives me the willies and I know that it's perfectly safe to do.

Brian, that's funny because after the way I have seen you "fix" an SE razor so the blade is completely bare I think, THAT is scary. Wink

beamon, hrfdez and SharpSpine like this post

Greenville, SC USA
(12-26-2015, 05:03 AM)Freddy Wrote:
(12-26-2015, 04:07 AM)ShadowsDad Wrote: You gents and your hand stropping.... Sorry, but it gives me the willies and I know that it's perfectly safe to do.

Brian, that's funny because after the way I have seen you "fix" an SE razor so the blade is completely bare I think, THAT is scary. Wink
Look upon it as 'Occupational Therapy' to develop fine motor control.

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Does Mean I Must Buy High End Shaving Gear?

Chazz Reinhold HOF
(12-26-2015, 05:15 PM)beamon Wrote:
(12-26-2015, 05:03 AM)Freddy Wrote:
(12-26-2015, 04:07 AM)ShadowsDad Wrote: You gents and your hand stropping.... Sorry, but it gives me the willies and I know that it's perfectly safe to do.

Brian, that's funny because after the way I have seen you "fix" an SE razor so the blade is completely bare I think, THAT is scary. Wink
Look upon it as 'Occupational Therapy' to develop fine motor control.

Now, that's funnyHappy2

Greenville, SC USA
Ooh, ooh, ooh, I got it! Been thinking about the accessories needed for hand/palm stropping. For right handers, a pair of chainmail gloves with a leather palm for the left glove and the right glove just having small gripping pieces of leather to facilitate grasping a DE blade safely. Obviously, the southpaw gloves would be reversed.

I'll get 'em made up and sell 'em through Hammacher Schlemmer. I'll clear at least a gazillion dollars the first year!

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Does Mean I Must Buy High End Shaving Gear?

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