buonasera a tutti,
scrivo su questa rubrica per sapere se qualcuno di voi sta passando la mia stessa esperienza:
lo scorso Dicembre, proprio la prima settimana del mese, decisi di farmi un regalo di Natale: scelsi di acquistare da Aji di Haircut and Shaving la sua versione del DE in rame. Essendo andato esaurito da tempo, Aji fu cosi' gentile da accettare comunque l'ordine. Ormai siamo in Aprile ed anche se , nel frattempo , ci siamo scambiati due/tre emails, nelle quali si scusava per il ritardo dovuto all'accumularsi degli ordini durante la pandemia che non aveva potuto evadere, onestamente, essendo arrivati ad Aprile, incomincio ad essere un po' ansioso riguardo al rasoio che ho ordinato ( e pagato)....Qualcuno sa dirmi se e' normale, vista naturalmente la problematica della pandemia, una attesa cosi' lunga??? 
Vi saluto tutti e vi auguro una felice Pasqua!!!

cornbread likes this post

expert shaver
Panther's Stanley Cup Champs

Good evening everyone,
I write on this column to find out if any of you are going through the same experience as me:
last December, just the first week of the month, I decided to give myself a Christmas present: I chose to buy his copper version of DE from Aji of Haircut and Shaving. Having long since sold out, Aji was kind enough to accept the order anyway. We are now in April and even if, in the meantime, we have exchanged two/three emails, in which he apologized for the delay due to the accumulation of orders during the pandemic which he had not been able to fulfill, honestly, having arrived in April, I begin to be a little anxious about the razor I ordered (and paid for)....Can anyone tell me if such a long wait is normal, of course, given the pandemic problem???
I greet you all and wish you a happy Easter!!!

DanLaw likes this post

expert shaver
Panther's Stanley Cup Champs
Something appears wrong. On H&S website there are 4 razors for sale but 2 have been sold out. No listing for copper razors. My suggestion if it was bought using Paypal to have a case opened. You have 180 days to dispute charges. I realize H&S is liked by a lot of members but this is business not pleasure. Using a pandemic at this time is no excuse for being honest.

Gianguido D'Anna, jags009, HOLYZEUS and 3 others like this post

Posting Freak
I had a very good experience with Ali. But let me qualify. He did take a long time to get the razor made. There was a delay in answering a few emails. But he was informative and did complete the work. Maybe another email inquiring about timing. That was my approach. Hope it works out. They are great razors

Sent from my SM-A536U using Tapatalk

DanLaw, Gianguido D'Anna and cornbread like this post

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
Without dismissing your concerns; let me assure you Aji NOT the type to stick you. Have known him personally for many years and dealt with him on numerous occasions.

Can absolutely state he will minimally make you whole and, if history a gauge, more than whole.

Please exercise patience as know his hands full to point of overflowing with projects. There is hardly a danger he in dire straits.

FloridaCreekIndian, keto, cornbread and 1 others like this post

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
Although it not my affair, and really need refrain from intruding as such, reached out to Aji.

Apparently the razor is about to be shipped this week with deep apologies for the delay.

Without betraying personal conversations over the past months, can state Aji has been slammed with many diverse demands. Again his challenges are many but neither financial nor character based. Time? Now that quite another matter; he really needs a 48 hour day.

keto, FloridaCreekIndian, Gianguido D'Anna and 1 others like this post
Salve a tutti ancora una volta,
" Parlando del Diavolo..." : ho appena ricevuto una mail da parte di Aji che si scusava per l'ulteriore ritardo e che sicuramente avrebbe spedito il rasoio domani con il numero di tracciamento. Mi sento molto piu' tranquillo adesso e vediamo come procedera' la situazione....Grazie infinitamente a tutti per la vostra attenzione al mio problema e vi auguro ancora una volta i miei migliori auguri per una felice Pasqua!!!

DanLaw likes this post
I figured if you wanted a refund just ask would be the first step, but of course you wanted the razor. 
  I think you'll be pleased with the quality of workmanship his razors have.

DanLaw and Gianguido D'Anna like this post

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
If you bought a full blown polished Aji razor, hardly anything at any price better manufactured. Only wish he released a low stack height zero or negative exposure head unit as compact as P Series. Loved the P Series maneuverability but it too efficient for regular use on my extremely disfigured face and damaged skin

TommyCarioca, keto and Gianguido D'Anna like this post

Posting Freak
(04-02-2023, 08:18 PM)DanLaw Wrote: If you bought a full blown polished Aji razor, hardly anything at any price better manufactured. Only wish he released a low stack height zero or negative exposure head unit as compact as P Series. Loved the P Series maneuverability but it too efficient for regular use on my extremely disfigured face and damaged skin
Dan, exactly. The low profile head is aggressive. I like mild razors too. The other razors in the line are milder but more like the Timeless design

Sent from my SM-A536U using Tapatalk

Gianguido D'Anna and DanLaw like this post

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