Hello, my name is Daniel Lugo; I'm 34 from Querétaro, México I heard from DFS from TSE on YouTube. I'm relatively new to traditional wet shaving (about 2 years of experience) and wanted to join to learn a little bit more about it and check products reviews and probably give my points of view with hopes someone finds them useful.

Cheers and happy shaving.

Philadelphia, PA
(02-12-2016, 01:17 AM)darolu Wrote: Hello, my name is Daniel Lugo; I'm 34 from Querétaro, México I heard from DFS from TSE on YouTube. I'm relatively new to traditional wet shaving (about 2 years of experience) and wanted to join to learn a little bit more about it and check products reviews and probably give my points of view with hopes someone finds them useful.

Cheers and happy shaving.

welcome to the site!
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Welcome, Daniel. It's good to have you here. Smile

Los Angeles
Daniel , welcome!
Welcome to DFS!

Welcome to Damn Fine Shave!
- Jeff
Welcome Daniel! Happy to have you here Smile.

North Carolina
Hola Daniel! Smile Welcome to the group!
Welcome to the forum

Austin, TX
Welcome Daniel!

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