
Hi all, Jim here.

I've been wet shaving for 8 or 9 months now & loving it. I see it as a kind of meditation, requiring enough concentration that the mind doesn't have room for problems. With a bit of added decadence.

My skin is a bit of a problem, I have rosacea (on the cheeks) and psoriasis (not on the face, fortunately, but it does make my skin generally more susceptible to inflammation). I had some problems with blotches & rashes when I first started wet shaving, but I've since adjusted my habits (including some non-shaving-related ones) and my shaving products. Now, my skin is doing better than it was when I started.

I started with an Edwin Jagger Kelvin, switched to an Ikon Shavecraft 102 about 3 months ago, & have just switched back to the EJ (liked the closer shave, not so much the high risk of razor burn). I'm a big fan of synthetic brushes (RasoRock Plissoft, currently).

kwsher likes this post

Philadelphia, PA
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2016, 10:10 PM by andrewjs18.)
thanks for signing up!

I'm also a big fan of synthetic brushes myself!!!
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Welcome to DFS, Jim; it's good to have you with us. Smile

Like Andrew, I am a big fan of the current crop of synthetic brushes.

Chazz Reinhold HOF
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2016, 10:45 PM by hrfdez.)
jimofthecorn Welcome to DFS!

Los Angeles
Jim, welcome!
Welcome to DFS! Lots of us have extremely sensitive skin, so perhaps we could be of help to each other.

Welcome to DFS!
- Jeff

Posting Freak
Welcome, Jim! Happy
Love, Laughter & Shaving  Heart
Welcome to DFS.
Welcome and enjoy.

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