I got a omega 6215 Silver tip badger brush. I don't like it. I bowl lather it will suck up a big bowl of lather and not let me have much of it and its like it flattens out. What would be a good silver tip to try?

Thousand Oaks, CA
I'd suggest something with a shorter loft that won't "flatten" so much when applying to your face.
Anything with a loft around 50mm should do the trick.

Woodstock, VT
Shavemac 2-Band. A fairly new knot and a fantastic one at that.

Master Saponifier
If you don't want it to flatten out, either choose a 2 band, or a lower loft, or both.
+1 for a lower loft. Gives the soap less area to hide in, and adds backbone.

Central Maine
OK, I'll be the sacrificial goat.

If it flattens out there is too much pressure being applied. Only the outer 1/3 of the fibers should be in use, no more, and if more than that is used it's not the brushes fault. Ease up on the pressure being applied.
Brian. Lover of SE razors.
A 2-band sounds right up your alley
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Shavemac 2 band for the win.

OK sure there a lot of 2 bands that will work. But I made this suggestion on another forum to the same question.

Since someone already made the same suggestion here, I'll reinforce it. It's just a great performing knot.
Jay, owner of Delta Echo Razor Works.
SOC two band

Austin, TX
(08-21-2015, 05:05 AM)Delta Echo Razor Works Wrote: Shavemac 2 band for the win.

OK sure there a lot of 2 bands that will work.  But I made this suggestion on another forum to the same question.

Since someone already made the same suggestion here, I'll reinforce it.  It's just a great performing knot.

I'll jump on this bandwagon. Great knot!

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