Just wanted to share some preliminary photos of two brush handles I bought from someone on eBay called FrickWerkz. Both are quite large with the first being a 28mm, and the second a 30-32mm handle. Very tall, wide, and girthy I see from the specs. When I get them I will also post some photos of them next to some brushes for scale reference. There is a double benefit here in that he also has a YouTube channel. Many of the brushes he has turned make an appearance there, and a treat for those that like to see the brush handle being made. The first one I love already, but have a strong feeling when I see the second one it will likely become my favorite. That blue, purple, and copper/bronze/slightly goldish sure is hard to top though for me at least.

[Image: c2g35LX.jpg]

[Image: aRhFxdD.jpg]

DanLaw, shaveSymptomatic, Gbsher and 1 others like this post

Beautiful handles!

DanLaw likes this post
(06-18-2020, 06:15 PM)shaveSymptomatic Wrote: Beautiful handles!

Yes they are. One thing I forgot to note is these are actually a bit unusual for him as I don't think I've seen any just pure resin brushes until now. Usually he does a cross of burl/resin hybrid brushes. All lovely in their own right! His recent one in a deep red resin and burl was particularly nice, just a tad too small for me at the moment. No knots in mind for these for the time being. I'll wait until the right knot strikes my fancy. I have a feeling it will be a Shavemac 2-band D01 ultimately. Maybe another extreme flat top.

shaveSymptomatic likes this post
I have two of his handles and the are very good. They are definitely on the big side. I put a 28mm shavemac 2band silvertip unique in one and still thinking about what I will put in the other. The handles feel great in the hand. I do like big handles though. I am thinking about a 26mm gelousy fan in the other one. Here are some comparison photos. The last photo is next to my brand new OKU Jerte which is awesome. 
Happy shaves 
[Image: lM9wiBW.jpg][Image: HcSaypN.jpg][Image: 675GuDa.jpg][Image: g1QRP02.jpg][Image: ZVbhRIs.jpg][Image: JwbljOQ.jpg][Image: v4MpwY2.jpg][Image: KNVdLt4.jpg][Image: y0TodH8.jpg]

kooshman7, Gbsher, Viking and 1 others like this post

Does he only sell on ebay?
I believe so. There he says he’ll do custom orders though. I’ve definitely seen your brushes smurf!

shaveSymptomatic likes this post
The red white and blue handle is a custom I ask him to make for me. He has very reasonable prices. I had a problem with the first brush I got from him but he was very good to make it right. He was great to work with.
Happy shaves

kooshman7 likes this post

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