Hi, could you recommend any seller on ebay to buy feather blades that is reliable in your experience, thank you.

Idaho Falls, Idaho
Italian Barber is a good choice.  I don’t know an eBay source

Fanshaving, metal_shavings, Rebus Knebus and 1 others like this post

Chicago Suburbs
The best price I have found for Feather blades is $36.95 per 100 blades from The Razor Company. Blade prices tend to fluctuate, so look around.

However, before you stock up on Feather blades, I would suggest that you investigate a couple of alternatives that are similar in sharpness and smoothness and can be found for lower prices. These blades include:

BIC Chrome Platinum (Greece) ($18 per 100 blades)
Perma-Sharp Super in the gold packaging made by Gillette in Russia ($10 per 100 blades)
7 O'Clock Super Platinum in the black packaging made by Gillette in India (32 per 100 blades)
Nacet Stainless made by Gillette in Russia ($19 per 100 blades)

Those with tough beards tend to find that Feather blades are super sharp right out of the wrapper, but they deteriorate rapidly. I cannot even get 3 good shaves before they feel harsh on my face. Many others have reported similar experiences. If your beard is not tough, then you do not NEED the sharpness of Feather blades. If your beard is tough, then you might not find the Feather blades to be very durable. I have not found Feather blades to be a good value as they are expensive and have limited life compared to alternatives.

Gasman, Bouki, metal_shavings and 4 others like this post
I would also recommend Bolzano , Tatra and Bic Chrome Platinum .

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Fanshaving likes this post

Chicago Suburbs
(12-23-2023, 07:36 AM)jags009 Wrote: I would also recommend Bolzano , Tatra and Bic Chrome Platinum .

Sent from my V2040 using Tapatalk

I have not yet used Bolzano. I will be evaluating it in a couple of weeks. Since it is made by Lord in Eqypt, I would be surprised if it is a sharp as Feather, but it might be a nice blade.

Tatra blades are very nice blades, but they are not quite in the same sharpness range as Feather blades and the others I noted.

I prefer BIC CP to all other blades for its sharpness and smoothness. 

For a summary of my evaluations, see:


The thread can be found here:


jags009, Fanshaving and Tedolph like this post

Idaho Falls, Idaho
I mentioned Italian Barber because I’ve never found better pricing for Feathers than they offer. 29 bucks for 100 right now

Fanshaving, RayClem, jags009 and 2 others like this post
Feather is the best blades on planet earth.

Tedolph, Hairy Callahan, johnfly and 2 others like this post
I’m not a big Feather fan but I recently did some browsing on eBay for someone else that was looking for some and remember seeing them for around $25 per 100 a couple places if you buy at least 200 at a time. I believe some were as cheap as $23-24 if you purchased 200-400 but I don’t remember what vendors that was.

I’ve always had good luck just looking at seller feedback. If they have 98% or higher feedback they should be good to deal with. Especially if it’s a major blade seller. There’s probably 5-6 big distributors on there. I prefer RazorBladesClub myself if they have something for about the same price. Takes a few days longer but they have good overall prices and some hard to find blades.

Sharp as a Feather
Seki City, Virginia
A very popular (and reputable) online pharmacy recently had Feathers on sale for a spectacular price. Of course, I bought an embarrassing amount. I don't think I'd trust eBay or Amazon as a source for Feathers. As the costliest DE blade on earth, there's bound to be counterfeits out there. Stick with reputable sources and wait for a sale.

Tedolph and TommyCarioca like this post
I am pretty much stuck with Feather SE blades as I use a Valet Auto Stop and that is the only blade that fits that razor without modification. I also had a One Blade at one time which also uses the Feather SE blades exclusively. As RayClem can attest, they are really very sharp. On the SE blade, I could get about 10 triple pass shaves out of them. Of course, those blades are about 3x as thick as a DE blade so it is no surprise that they last longer. As a back of the neck, clean up third pass razor after a double pass SR shave they last pretty much indefinitely.

One thing a lot of people don't know about Feather is that they make two kinds of blade, SS and uncoated (I think) carbon steel blades. The carbon steel blades can be stropped and sharpened on a wet stone, unlike the SS blades. In fact, the carbon steel blades shave better after a first shave and a stropping than when they are new out of the wrapper.

I recently picked up a Pearl "The Sleek" SE razor that uses half DE blades. So, I can now experiment with other blades. Unfortunately, the way I use a safety razor it is gong to take me years to tear through 20 Silvermax (come with the razor) half DE blades.

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