I'm finally starting to appreciate some of the nicer looking handles (Wolfman and Rocnel). Never really cared until recently, so I'm a bit out of the loop on the options.

What are some of your favorite handles based on looks and grip?

Please provide photos whenever possible, thanks!

League likes this post
(This post was last modified: 05-20-2024, 08:05 PM by keto.)
I think it's kind of a personal thing what you find to look nice in a handle.
Seems like I usually start with looks and then end up with usage being the final criteria for a handle.
  Here's a couple of titanium handles I've been enjoying lately.
On the left is the Chiseled Face Titanium Imperial handle. 
I like the looks so I ended up getting one of these and then after I felt it I didn't use it because wasn't exactly what I thought it would be for some reason. It was literally a few months unused.

Decided I was going to try it and if I didn't like it I better get rid of it and let somebody enjoy it.
I'm enjoying it and noticed the last couple of shaves with the titanium razor I can slide out toward the end on some of the last passes and still have a good grip unlike some.

The one on the right is one a lot of people like a Timeless Titanium Crown.
  I like this one from the start it just seems like the shape of the grip point is right about where I like it on most razors it just kind of lands there. I guess to me it has a wide grip area that's kind of versatile, to me,  with different razor heads.[Image: 9RJtd5Y.jpeg]
[Image: MXpzn7r.jpeg]

Calm_Shaver, canpo1907, Nero and 7 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2024, 11:57 PM by League.)
My favorite high end machined or look wise handles:
- Charcoal Goods
- Atelier Durdan
- Wolfman
- Rocnel
- Smart helix
- Lambda
- (Tibam)
- (Stork)

Most manufacturer handles with preferred grip:
- Rex supply
- Razorock
- Chiseled Face
- Carbon shaving
- Rocnel
- Wolfman
- H&S
- Alpha shaving

Calm_Shaver, TommyCarioca, Nero and 1 others like this post
Here are a couple of my favorites. On the left is the Timeless Titanium Crown, and the one on the right is a titanium handle from Haircut and Shave Co. 

[Image: jivI7wf.jpeg]

An affordable stainless steel handle that I like is the RazoRock barber pole: 
[Image: cxUi9z3.jpeg]

Latherati, ALI, Nero and 6 others like this post

Posting Freak
(This post was last modified: 05-21-2024, 12:13 AM by celestino.)
For me, the Blackbird handle is quite beautiful and one of the best grips in a handle that I've ever used. 
However, I think the version of the Aristocrat handle that Stork made might be my favourite aesthetically. 
I believe it's their Aristocrat 2 handle. I have both the 1 and 2 versions in titanium, but prefer the latter. 
No need for pics of the Blackbird as everyone is very familiar with it.  Wink

[Image: eDWdMl.jpg]

Nero, Calm_Shaver, elektrotasil and 8 others like this post
Love, Laughter & Shaving  Heart
My favorite is the Wolfman 3/7 hybrid.   I have James make them at 94mm, which I find ideal.  Here is one in premium antique bronze. 

[Image: L5PdsXy.jpeg]

Latherati, Calm_Shaver, AQU and 7 others like this post

Chester County, PA
(This post was last modified: 05-22-2024, 11:58 PM by dtownvino.)
[Image: UwH9QL9.jpeg][Image: k7FLAed.jpeg]Original Paradigm Ti2 (polished with taper) on Top, RS10 underneath. 

My absolute favorite (Ti2 tapered).

Nero, Calm_Shaver, canpo1907 and 4 others like this post
Thanks guys, all looking good so far!!

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Gatineau, QC, Canada
[Image: 2uZ3ZVX.jpeg][Image: 2FRfXlM.jpeg]

elektrotasil, canpo1907, Latherati and 6 others like this post
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."

  - Albert Einstein

Posting Freak
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2024, 01:37 AM by TommyCarioca.)
Neroli, this subject is near to my heart. I have a narrow window and tight criterion for my preferred handles. Most won't like my predilections but here goes.


90mm plus in length
No skinny handles
Don't like narrow waist lined handles [e.g. Carbon]
Like significant girth
Like machined pattern(s) to cover entire handle
Dont like smooth bands on handles
Prefer copper & brass over steel and Ti

Ranking follows:

1 BBS-1 or Tibam Ti dupe
2 Wolfman Wh4 102mm, copper
3 Karve 100mm handles, brass&copper
4 H&S 90 mm SS
6 ATT 100MM SS
7 Charcoal Goods, various 100mm coppers
8 Smart Helix 90mm SS
9 Muhle Grande 90mm

Sent from my SM-A536U using Tapatalk

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