Pinaud Clubman is the ultimate barbershop scent for me because my barber used the talc on my neck when I was younger although my current barber does not use any clubman. When it comes to soaps Mikes Barbershop was my first soap and it remains my favorite to this day although B&M Seville is a close second as I've become quite the B&M fanboy.
(08-18-2016, 09:08 AM)mdv39 Wrote: Pinaud Clubman is the ultimate barbershop scent for meMe too. Pinaud, Lucky Tiger. These are the definition of Barbershop for me as it takes me back to going to actual barbershops back in the day. I still go to a barbershop for cuts but it is a modern version; Layrite, etc.
Barbershop soaps I find very pleasant but it's difficult for me to pinpoint what this soap category should actually smell like to be honest as they don't immediately make me think "barbershop".
(08-18-2016, 10:35 AM)Aurelian28 Wrote: Is PAA ClubGuy Barbershop? I love it.
It's his version of Clubman. CaD is also considered a barbershop scent of a different kind. Based on classic Barbasol if I remember correctly.
Garrett, The Shaving Disciple - Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, YouTuber, Head Shaver
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