Today, I "scythed" down a four day beard using Viking Valhalla tallow soap with the first injector I ever owned, a plain Jane Schick G 1. The blade is a stock "Chick" blade used two or three times before and left in the razor for months. It just simply never ceases to amaze me how easily an injector can plow right through a heavy beard with almost nary an iota of resistance. DE razors cannot do this as easily on a heavy beard as you need to "chip" away at it to prevent too much tugging. The injector razor is simply a better "mousetrap". That said, I only use one when I have a multi day beard.
After trying over 100 de and se razors, i landed on injectors. Had i started with injectors, I would have never tried anything else. I love the n3 and have 2 x nos and a daily driver I cherish. Their ease of use and mildness are a dream and should be everyone's first razor when transitioning from cartridges.
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