
Media, PA
Pretty colorful right?[Image: gYmWMuo.jpg]

andrewjs18, Matsilainen, Polovez and 5 others like this post
First time I've heard of Eleven. I like their packaging!

Gbsher likes this post
I just caught a peek of the bottom of my SdP Pulito. I was sorry to see the Olive, Musk & Citrus go away. I love the scent. My wife just started using real lather to shave with, and it's her favorite of all of my soaps.

Gbsher, mrdoug and Matsilainen like this post
Garrett, The Shaving Disciple - Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, YouTuber, Head Shaver
2024 Software Restraint

Charleston, South Carolina

Gbsher and Matsilainen like this post

Eleven shaving
too old

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