
Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2018, 09:23 PM by Freddy.)
steeleshaves, you have brought up an interesting topic and the problem for me is I can easily see both sides of this.  On the one hand, I always go back to, and purchase, from merchants whose products I love.  On the other, through taking a chance because of comments here on DFS or getting gifts from friends, I have discovered so much more.  For example, Barrister_N_Mann, ezlovan (Stirling), hawns (Catillon Lux), to name three, are absolute musts in my den and I wish them all lifelong success.  On the other, because of a mention here, I took a chance on Scritchnscrub’s (Desmond’s Barrow) shaving soaps and it went to one of my all time favorites.  Sadly, I don’t believe they are available anymore.  A free sample led me to dominicr’s (Black Tie Razor Co.) post shave balm.  I liked it so much that I ordered a full tub.

I’m not sure where the right answer is but this being a free market anything can happen.  Again, thanks for a great thread with some really interesting takes on the subject.

SCShaver, Marko, Matsilainen and 3 others like this post

South Saint Louis, MO
There is definitely a reason why I never had any interest in making soaps. When I started, there weren't a ton of companies offering nourishing aftershaves in interesting scents, so I saw a market weakness. There also were hardly any artisans making EdTs and perfumes. Luckily L&L (now Declaration Grooming) approached me about doing shaving soap collaborations, which allows for the best of both worlds, but I'm glad I followed my passion and didn't dive into the soap game. There are so many amazing ones out there that there is no way I'd ever catch up.

olschoolsteel, Freddy, SCShaver and 7 others like this post

Posting Freak
What a great thread. Did you notice Will's razor blade stash in the background of the video!? Man, I have to go out and get more blades as I clearly don't have enough. Big Grin

Will's point on the dabblers is a fair stab at "businesses" that don't need to pass any form of solvency test to remain in business. How do you compete with somebody who doesn't care if they make any money or not and doesn't have to make a payroll or pay utilities or business taxes? What other industry has that? I don't see anybody in the oil and gas business doing it for fun and giving their barrels away because they just like doing it. It is what it is I guess. I suppose the big guys could go out and buy the dabblers' businesses and have them sign non-comp agreements. Or the alternative. Nice little hobby you got here, be a shame if something were to happen to it.Big Grin OK I'm kidding.

I enjoy buying the next new soap / aftershave and I enjoy using my tried and true products. I'm not so quick to jump on a new artisan these days as I want to see what the market has to say first. I'm impressed at how well Oleo duck fat performs although I still think their fragrances are in the OK category - I don't think fragrance is their strength and the smell off the tub/lather in my opinion bears little resemblance to the description. A couple claim to have bay in them...nope. Still worth trying and a couple of those will be regulars. I'm glad I tried GD, great performance and unique fragrances - I like that. I wondered if Bufflehead might get squeezed out with these two new duck fat soap makers out there but I don' think so. Bufflehead was first and they can hold their own so I don't see them getting bumped out but they definitely have company in the duck fat space.

I'll always love Barrister and Mann, great fragrances and they work hard to stay cutting edge. Chatillon Lux is at the top of the post shave product makers in my opinion. I can still remember over 2 years ago going on Shawn's minimalist, olde tyme website and being intrigued by the descriptions. I'm glad I tried his products because they are a true joy.

Yeah, I get the suggestion to stick to your favourites but I look at it this way - I'm not giving up my favourites and when I spend money on a flyer of a new artisan, its not money I would otherwise have spent on my favourites, its money I wouldn't have otherwise spent. I'm stocked on my favourites. Except for Hallows. I'm buying that stuff every time its released.

Drifter, Freddy, primotenore and 3 others like this post
Some good thoughts here on both sides of the argument. I've enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts on this thus far. Some really good points made.

Second on the Hallows although Roam is pretty dang good too!!

Marko, primotenore, Freddy and 2 others like this post

Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
It would be great if we could support our favorite artisans and for the most part I try to do that. I have 6 Mike's, 6 Mystic Water, just to name a few. I also have 3 of Will's soaps. But, being a vintage junkie, I do have a plethora of vintage Williams, AoS Tallow, vintage Old Spice. So, I guess I don't spread my money around as much as some other shavers. Now, aftershaves...that's a horse of a different color. Big Grin

Freddy, Marko and Matsilainen like this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2

Posting Freak
Its interesting what Will said in the interview about discontinuing International shipping.  Up until then I made a point of buying from my favourite artisans directly if I could including B&M.  It cost me more with the shipping and the exchange and various government shakedowns but I wanted as much of the purchase price going to the maker as possible.  I guess I must have been in the minority.  Its funny, when I see something in a shop or online that I'd like to have but its too expensive for my tastes I just don't buy it.  It wouldn't even cross my mind to contact the maker and yell at them for being so expensive especially if its the shipping part that they're not even responsible for. That just blows my mind.  

I still can get the B&M products I want through a few Canadian vendors but do you know what I miss?

[Image: U16jEjg.jpg]

Yup, I don't get the cool finishing touches from those vendors.Sad

Drifter, Matsilainen, Barrister_N_Mann and 4 others like this post

Vintage Razor Fan
Southwestern NY
Great thread, steeleshaves!

Personally, I like to think that I'm supporting all of the artisans that I can.  Happy

I am another guy who has way more shaving soap than I need or will probably ever use.  I have some recent stuff, but I seem to have acquired my fair share of NOS/vintage, as well.  I'm kind of playing both sides here.  Some artisans have a more pronounced presence than others, but I enjoy most everything that is available for my selection.  I truly enjoy the variety and look forward to the choices made each day when it's time to get ready to shave.  Hopefully, "spreading the wealth" also helps to keep the market full of products that are as excellent as they are different.

Matsilainen and Marko like this post

St. Louis, MO
We've anticipated something like this. Kept the product line smaller and focused.

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

olschoolsteel, Matsilainen and Marko like this post
Shave Sharp, Look Sharp
I think the largest take away in the video for me was at the beginning, when he talks about minimum orders for his labels. He throws out numbers like 2, 5, and 10 thousand units being a problem for a small business like his...

I used to wholesale packaging in a previous life. I’ve produced 5K labels and containers to go with it for clients as samples! This really is small business!! Which is cool but yeah, low barriers to entry - must be brutal!

Marko and Matsilainen like this post
I somewhat agree with the original post. I'm about 3.5 years in, and I've settled on three favorites who get most of my business, but I still try something new every now and then.

Blade4vor and Matsilainen like this post
Garrett, The Shaving Disciple - Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, YouTuber, Head Shaver
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