I was in CVS this morning, and I noticed that they have their own brand of double and single edge blades, made in Isreal. Has anyone tried these?

Colorado Springs
These are rebranded Personna Platinums, AKA Personna Reds

Yes, I have some of the SE blades. They're okay, but I have nothing to compare them to as they're the first and only SE blades I've tried. I need to grab some of the PTFE coated Gems to try. From what I've read here the general consensus is that they are the gold standard for regular SE blades.

I'm not sure what brand or where the CVS SEs are made. As I recall, the package didn't say.
- Jeff
Thank you for the info!

wyze0ne likes this post
Yes, I have tried them and now use them almost exclusively. They give me great shaves and come in a dispenser with a mini blade bank in the back for used blades.

Virodoc100 likes this post
(02-19-2016, 11:25 PM)Tbone Wrote: Yes, I have tried them and now use them almost exclusively.  They give me great shaves and come in a dispenser with a mini blade bank in the back for used blades.

I can not say that I use them almost exclusively but I have used them along with Dollar General Blades and I even bought some of the Wall Green Gillette blades but have not tried them as of yet. I can not say that they are the equal to my Gillette 7 O Clock yellows but IMHO they give a good shave and will last me for about five shaves. The only real problem I have with them is the dispensers that they come in, if they were packaged in five blade boxes it would be much easier for me to store with the rest of my blades.

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expert shaver
Panther's Stanley Cup Champs
Thanks for the heads up. There is a CVS not too far from me.

Central Maine
(02-17-2016, 05:05 PM)wyze0ne Wrote: Yes, I have some of the SE blades. They're okay, but I have nothing to compare them to as they're the first and only SE blades I've tried. I need to grab some of the PTFE coated Gems to try. From what I've read here the general consensus is that they are the gold standard for regular SE blades.

I'm not sure what brand or where the CVS SEs are made. As I recall, the package didn't say.

I believe they are discussing DE blades, but since that discussion has basically answered the OPs question...

The CVS SE blades are carbon steel GEMs. The package should say American Safety Razor" somewhere on it. Many folks claim that the CVS blades are smoother right out of the gate, and I find that to be the case also. But since they are carbon steel they required maintenance after the shave to prevent corrosion of the edge. I'm unwilling to do that so I far prefer the GEM SS ptfe coated blades. They might be a little harsh (too sharp?) right out of the cardboard wrapper, but I use them for a few shaves in a milder razor than I prefer before moving them into my preferred razors. Without maintenance I easily get 20 shaves from one, and it's not at all unusual to get 30 or more shaves from one. The last one, before my present blade, I got something like 32 or 33 comfortable shaves from. One can definitely tell the difference between the first shave and the 30th as the blade ages. But they aren't uncomfortable at the end, just different. Once the blade requires that I use more than my standard 2 1/3 passes for a BBS I change it out for a fresh one.

Supposedly Walgreens has the SS GEM blades. But the closest Walgreens is over 20 miles away from me and I never think to go in when I'm in that area. OK, plus parking is horrendous there. That might be an option for you. There are much better places to buy them in bulk if you like them.
Brian. Lover of SE razors.

Philadelphia, PA
(This post was last modified: 02-20-2016, 09:37 PM by andrewjs18.)
I've actually found two different branded SE blades at different drug stores in my area before.  that's not to say that they're not actually the same blade though...

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[Image: O8PXNxy.jpg]
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
(02-19-2016, 11:38 PM)Mayberryman Wrote: I can not say that I use them almost exclusively but I have used them along with Dollar General Blades and I even bought some of the Wall Green Gillette blades but have not tried them as of yet. I can not say that they are the equal to my Gillette 7 O Clock yellows but IMHO they give a good shave and will last me for about five shaves. The only real problem I have with them is the dispensers that they come in, if they were packaged in five blade boxes it would be much easier for me to store with the rest of my blades.
Walgreen's has Gillette blades now? My local Walgreen's had ASR / Personna store brand blades that were excellent, but they replaced them with the awful Korean made Studio 35 store brand blades a couple of years ago. The Studio 35 blades lasted only 3-4 months before they vanished, after which the store carried no double edge blades at all. Three months ago, I noticed the Studio 35 blades were back, this time manufactured by ASR.

I use the CVS blades almost exclusively because they give me the best shaves of any of the 90 or so blades I have tried over the years, come in a 10-pack, and have ASR dispenser. I usually only have one pack of blades at a time now, so storing them is not an issue. My guess is that the majority of wetshavers, as opposed to the majority of online wethshaver, also only have one pack of blades at a time.

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