
Central Maine
Yeah, lucky you! Get well soon!

Just wondering, how many covid jabs have you taken?

Lipripper660 and andrewjs18 like this post
Brian. Lover of SE razors.

Scentsless Shaver
Oakland, ME
So sorry to hear this. Hope you have a speedy recovery

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- Eric 
Put your message in a modem, 
And throw it in the Cyber Sea
--Rush, "Virtuality"

Overloader of brushes, Overlander fanboy, Schickhead, and a GEM in the rough!

Living on the edge
(This post was last modified: 04-19-2022, 12:18 PM by Tester28.)
(04-19-2022, 05:32 AM)andrewjs18 Wrote: if it wasn't for the intense headaches, it'd be manageable, I think. hopefully this gabapentin helps tame them so I can function at work!

I'm going to talk to my primary doctor in a few weeks about possibly getting the shingles vaccine sometime in 2022 as well.

From what I have read, Gabapentin is something that was created for seizures caused by Epilepsy, and its use for shingles is a
little hit or miss.


I know someone who has had a shingles attack before, and by all accounts they are very distressing.
Hope you are fine soon. Speed of treatment makes all the difference.

MaineYooper and Lipripper660 like this post

Super Moderator
Sorry you're going through this...hope you and your wife make a speedy recovery!

Lipripper660, Rebus Knebus, MaineYooper and 1 others like this post

Philadelphia, PA
(04-19-2022, 05:40 AM)ShadowsDad Wrote: Yeah, lucky you! Get well soon!

Just wondering, how many covid jabs have you taken?
Just 2 in April of 2021.

Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk

MaineYooper, Rebus Knebus and Lipripper660 like this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Trotter Handcrafts
Bellingham, Washington USA
Get well soon andrewjs18 !

andrewjs18 and Lipripper660 like this post

Idaho Falls, Idaho
(04-19-2022, 04:58 AM)andrewjs18 Wrote: lucky me!

not only do I have covid, but the covid infection caused shingles to flare up on my head, forehead, above right my right eye brow and a small spot on my right eye lid.  I've never had shingles before so didn't know the symptoms for it - probably impossible to nail down initially since I had covid too, nor did I have much experience with the rashes they produce.

my primary doctor started me on an anti-viral oral pill today and prescribed gabapentin to try to help with the severe headaches I've been getting off and on..  I saw an ophthalmologist today too since the the rash was near my eye - she saw no infection inside the eye ball, on the outer surface of it or on the inside of the eye lids.  she gave me an eye drop to help keep my eye lubricated as it was feeling dry and some ointment to rub on the rash on my eye lid to help cut down on the itch some.  she'll recheck me again in 3 weeks just to confirm no infection has set it from shingles.

usually most doctors get concerned about shingles when you're 50 and older (I'm 35!) but it's starting to be seen more and more frequently in people my age.  my younger sister had a shingles flare up on her ribs 3-4 years ago that was so painful she went to the hospital.
I don’t think I’m tough enough for that program!  Hang in there pal.

andrewjs18, MaineYooper and ShadowsDad like this post

Philadelphia, PA
thanks all!

I don't wish shingles on anyone (or covid, but I think we're all going to get that), especially on your head as that's supposedly the worst spot to get it because it can cause hearing loss, vision loss and paralysis in the face if not treated early enough...oh and the most severe, intense headaches of your life, probably!

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Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Central Maine
Gabapentin can also be used as a pain killer for other things. We're giving it to our older dog for the pain of arthritis.

Andrew, yeah, that long ago it has long since worn off. It's gone after 6 months, but there is no jab for the strain making the rounds now anyway. But once you get over it you might have natural immunity (NI). If you hadn't taken the jabs I would have written flat out natural immunity and not "might". But no studies have been done re: NI after having had the jab or having the jab after having developed NI. I follow this stuff very closely and all we get publicly are opinions by people who should keep quiet because when they're called out on it they have no data. I asked the head of the Maine CDC for a link to some data after a public statement by him that I knew hadn't been studied. I got crickets as a response. The next night he walked it back but gave another opinion. I didn't bother asking for a link to that data, I knew there was none. Anyway, the immune system is a marvelous thing and will recognize future strains of covid unless they make one in a test tube that is massively different than todays.

I had covid in Feb' 2020. My wife and I carried on as per normal. There is absolutely no way she could have escaped being infected by me. Yet she never showed even one symptom. While I was the sickest I can ever remember being, for her, nothing. I have no proof for what I'm about to write. I suspect she didn't get it because she had one of the coronavirus "cold bugs" as a child. We know that she didn't have SARS 20+ years ago, yet another coronavirus.

BTW, my symptoms were different than yours. I had my suspicions in March, but didn't even know what I had until late April when the CDC announced new symptoms and they were exactly mine. I just had it 2 months prior. As fast as this thing mutates (but it's not influenza) the only solution is natural immunity and let our bodies do what they're good at, recognizing an enemy and fighting it. I wish fauci and the cdc would start to follow the science that's right in front of them and has been all this time.
Brian. Lover of SE razors.

Central Maine
Andrew, gee, I hope we don't all get shingles! I'm not an anti vax'er when it really is a vaccine and I had 2 different vaccines for shingles. (if my memory serves me)
Brian. Lover of SE razors.

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